Stupid question?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
Massachusetts, USA
I have my betta in a 5gal cycled tank. When I brought him home the current from the filter seemed to just be blowing him around so I shut it off, figuring, "Ok fine I'll just go the route of frequent water changes and not use the filter, no biggie." Well I found out that I have to go out of town for a week and a half so I plugged the filter back in because the person watching my fish for me while I'm gone can feed them but really doesn't have the time or the inclination to do the water changes this tank requires. I had an unopened package of some filter pads from an old filter I used to have (one of those old Hartz Crystal Clean filters that used the activated carbon pads plus the white filter pads), so I cut up one of the white ones and stuffed it into the filter intake tube to slow the water a bit (was this a stupid idea?). The flow from the filter is now just a gentle ripple and it didn't look like it bothered the fish over much.

Well now, the bubble nest is history and the fish is...well, he looks upset. He has been sulking in one of the silk plants I have in the tank. He comes out of the plant when I enter the room and swims around, but as soon as I leave he's back in the plant again. Right after I brought him home he was happy, frisky, swam all over, bubbled his little heart out. I'm really upset now that he's going to waste away while I'm gone and I am going to get the dreaded phone call: "Oh hey that fish you had in your room croaked, you want me to flush it?"

Water parameters: Ammonia 0 NitrIte 0 pH is around 7 temp is about 78 degrees
I don't have a nitrAte test kit and I didn't check GH or KH. Like I said, he was happy for a few days after I brought him home, then once the filter went back on he just lost his animation.

Any ideas or suggestions on what I can do? I really don't want to leave him like this. My husband keeps saying, "Geez it's just a fish" but LOL I am really attached to him and he's not "just a fish" to me. :sad:
Fish can get depressed. Get him a friend or put another betta beside his tank. I would also change his diet around. Give him a few live or frozen brine shrimp also.
Hope this helps!

It sounds like he is depressed. Buy him a companion fish and temporarily place him near a mirror. Being near him will also make him less depressive if he is particularly human-sociable.

And the companion fish should have his OWN house nearby.

Good luck!
I agree, bettas tend to get down in the dumps when they're alone. They aren't loners the way we think they would be. They're accustomed to being near many many bettas,with their own space of course ;)
Just wondering...with 5gs in a cycled tank shouldn't it be possible to go a week and a half without major water changes?Or even without any water changes?

My fish seem happy and healthy getting a once a week change even in smaller containers.I'd turn the filter back off and see if he's happier.

Koda said:
Just wondering...with 5gs in a cycled tank shouldn't it be possible to go a week and a half without major water changes?Or even without any water changes?

My fish seem happy and healthy getting a once a week change even in smaller containers.I'd turn the filter back off and see if he's happier.

That's what I don't know. -_-
I figured 5gal/no filter going a week and a half without a water change would be a bad thing. If it's not then I'm all for shutting the filter off to see how he responds.
I think you'll be fine without the filter.But the suggestions about other fish are good ones too.I keep all my single bettas near another tank and it seems to brighten their day to have other fish to show off for.Two of mine particularly enjoy flaring at my calico fantail,and he seems to like watching them as well :)

I just wanted to post a follow-up...just got back from my out of town trip fearing the worst, and found a very happy betta swishing back and forth when I walked in the room. Gotta love a happy ending. :)

The night before I left on my trip I noticed he had "broken out" in a bad case of ich (not that there's such a thing as a 'good' case of ich -_- )...I disconnected the filter and took it out as previously suggested and did a water change, added some aquarium salt and some ich treatment I ran out to the store to get at the last minute...I also moved the tank to my computer desk instead of being back in my bedroom.
When I got home last night I checked the water conditions (can you believe after 2 weeks of no water changes and no filter there was 0 nitrite and 0 ammonia?! I think God loves me) and other than some nasty-looking algae growing on the glass the water was fine. No ich, no sad/sick fish, crisis averted. I'm so happy I just wanted to share. :rolleyes:
you should hit your husband over the head with a rubber chicken very hard :p
well anyways that is a great ending.
Happy Betta :p :D

Hey i just noticed that this is my 120th post! Woo! :clap: :flex: :kana: :D

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