Stupid Me


New Member
Aug 4, 2006
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Ok, I have spent the last month doing research and making sure that I picked up the right fish for my new tank. I wanted a Gourami, since I thought they looked cool. I had decided on a Pearl, since they are peaceful and I figured it would get along with my 4 Platies. Well, being somewhat impatient, I ran to the store last night after dinner and picked up a Blue Gourami. Don't ask what I was thinking, because I have no clue. I tried blaming on it on being color blind, but my wife called me and said I was full of it. And to top it off, the lady left another fish in the bag. I pointed it out to her and she said no charge. I figured the Gourami had been traumatized enough with her trying to get him into the bag, I didn't want her to do more damage getting this other fish out.

So, in my long and rambling way, what I am asking is, should I return it, or do I have a chance of making this work? It is a 29 gallon tank and the only occupants are the 4 platty's, the blue 3 spot, and the mystery fish. (Planning on running back to the store to find out what was in the tank with them tomorrow, didn't have a chance today.) I have about 5 tall fake plants that the fish can swim around and a lighthouse, which the openings don't look big enough for the Gourami to get into. From what I have read on the 3 spots, if it is female, I should be ok, but if it's male, there could be a bloodbath. So I guess the second question is can someone explain how to sex it?

I'd hate to bring the Gourami back b/c it's beautiful, but if it's giong to go after the platy's, I will. I have had them since I set the tank up and I don't want to have to explain to my daughter what happened, if something happened.
Ok, I have spent the last month doing research and making sure that I picked up the right fish for my new tank. I wanted a Gourami, since I thought they looked cool. I had decided on a Pearl, since they are peaceful and I figured it would get along with my 4 Platies. Well, being somewhat impatient, I ran to the store last night after dinner and picked up a Blue Gourami. Don't ask what I was thinking, because I have no clue. I tried blaming on it on being color blind, but my wife called me and said I was full of it. And to top it off, the lady left another fish in the bag. I pointed it out to her and she said no charge. I figured the Gourami had been traumatized enough with her trying to get him into the bag, I didn't want her to do more damage getting this other fish out.

So, in my long and rambling way, what I am asking is, should I return it, or do I have a chance of making this work? It is a 29 gallon tank and the only occupants are the 4 platty's, the blue 3 spot, and the mystery fish. (Planning on running back to the store to find out what was in the tank with them tomorrow, didn't have a chance today.) I have about 5 tall fake plants that the fish can swim around and a lighthouse, which the openings don't look big enough for the Gourami to get into. From what I have read on the 3 spots, if it is female, I should be ok, but if it's male, there could be a bloodbath. So I guess the second question is can someone explain how to sex it?

I'd hate to bring the Gourami back b/c it's beautiful, but if it's giong to go after the platy's, I will. I have had them since I set the tank up and I don't want to have to explain to my daughter what happened, if something happened.

Hi there i went to buy 1 the other day and all i got told is that they need a big tank for when they grow....
3 spots Can be territorial with other gouramies, and sometimes with other tankmates. Does best in Large fish comunity tanks. Ideal tank mates include: All Barbs, a school of Clown Loaches, one Red Tail Shark or one Rainbow Shark, a school of Bala Sharks, Livebearers, Tetras, Danios, Rasboras, Loaches, Plecos, and scavenger Catfish.

Males have a pointy dorsal fin. The dorsal fin of the male tapers to a point, whilst the female will be fatter in the body with the many hundreds of eggs she is carrying.

I also got told that many stores dont sell females as they are less apealing and less colourful appearing more brownish.
i hope this helps but i am new so please any1 feel free to correct me..
Emmzer, thanks for the response. I just got back from the store and it appears that I have ended up with an albino danio as the mystery fish. That's going to have to go back, unless someone feels that I can add a couple more of them.

Again, any advice would be appreciated. This is my first tank since I was about 13 years old and the first time that I have tried anything other than Mollies or Guppies.
Emmzer, thanks for the response. I just got back from the store and it appears that I have ended up with an albino danio as the mystery fish. That's going to have to go back, unless someone feels that I can add a couple more of them.

Again, any advice would be appreciated. This is my first tank since I was about 13 years old and the first time that I have tried anything other than Mollies or Guppies.

hi i have tried putting in albino danio in all my search engines but am getting nothing...are u 100% sure that it is wot the mystery fish is?? anyways danios are excellent community fish i have 5 in my tank and are never any problem, u could get more as they like there schoal maybe another 4?
how long has your gourami been in the tank 4 and how is it? are the other fish showing any signs of being distressed by it?

take care
Male & female blue gouramis are the same colour, males grow longer, pointier fins but as juveniles it is difficult to sex them. Some are mellow as long as no other fish challenges for territory so one kept with smaller fish is often ok.
Try searching gold danio :)
Male & female blue gouramis are the same colour, males grow longer, pointier fins but as juveniles it is difficult to sex them. Some are mellow as long as no other fish challenges for territory so one kept with smaller fish is often ok.
Try searching gold danio :)

cheers searched and found that they are peacefull and need to be kept in a group so should be fine. besides u said earlier that the pet girl caught it by mistake so i assume it was with the gourami and therfore will continue to be ok together
. besides u said earlier that the pet girl caught it by mistake so i assume it was with the gourami and therfore will continue to be ok together
Thats a dangerous assumtion :no: :lol:

Often fish that are i the same tank at a LFS should not be put together. I've seen pipefish & oscars, danios & bichirs, angels & exodons :blink:

Gold danios should be fine & they will mix with other colour zebras & leopards.
. besides u said earlier that the pet girl caught it by mistake so i assume it was with the gourami and therfore will continue to be ok together
Thats a dangerous assumtion :no: :lol:

Often fish that are i the same tank at a LFS should not be put together. I've seen pipefish & oscars, danios & bichirs, angels & exodons :blink:

Gold danios should be fine & they will mix with other colour zebras & leopards.

opps sorry still learning lol
Thanks for the reply's. The Gourami has been in the tank since Sunday night with no problems. But I realize that it could just be settling in and will eventually become a terror. So far, though, the Platies seem fine.

After looking online, it appears that the albino danio is really a gold danio, as someone mentioned earlier. It sounds like it should be ok, but can do I have enough space in the tank to add a few more. Since it is onlya 29 gallon tank, I had planned to leave the tank with just the 4 platies and the Gourami. If there is enough room in the tank, I will add a couple of the danio's.

Thanks again for all the help.
Thanks for the responses. Looks like I'm heading back to the store monday to get a couple of more fish. I'll have to look and see what other colors they have.

Guess I didn't screw up as bad as I thought I did.
Thanks for the responses. Looks like I'm heading back to the store monday to get a couple of more fish. I'll have to look and see what other colors they have.

Guess I didn't screw up as bad as I thought I did.

3 Spot gourami are rather large for your tank, what about looking at the flame or electric blue gouramis, they stay small and ive never had bother with them in community tanks.
Three-spots grow to 6". It'll do fine in your tank but make shure you don't add any other gouramies. The dwarfs suggested (flame and electric blue - the names of the color morphs are variable - each LFS calls them what they feel like :p) are very fragile fish so watch out if you are considering swapping the three-spot for one (or a trio) of those.

Whether male or female, alone, the fish'll be fine. it's only when you add more gouramies that you realy get problems (or if they breed). I would suggest adding some floating plants - particularly if it's a male - to help it set up a territory. Even young three-spots are actualy extremely easy to sex by looking at the dorsal fin. Males have pointed dorsals while the female's is rounded (as has been said). Males eventualy grow a tad larger than females and are more stream-lined in appearance.

The danios would have made a fine addition in a small school but I'd avoid any such top-dwelling fish if you want to keep gouramies as they'll be competing for space. it is fish like these that can sometimes trigger violent behaviour in male three-spots.
Darkentity, The reason I wanted to stay away from the dwarfs was due to the fact that they are considered a more fragile fish. From all the reading I had done, as long as the Pearl was the only one in the tank, there shouldn't be any problems. Since the Pearls tend to be larger than the 3 spot, I assumed the 3 spot will be ok. I guess there is a mixed feeling as to whether there is enough space in this tank for him.

Sylvia, since you think the danio's might cause a problem, would it be better for the one I ended up with to be returned to the LFS or will he be ok by himself. He seems to be trying to school with the 4 platy's and he seems ok, but I'm really trying to do this right. I unfotortunately don't have another tank to put him in, so it's either stay where he is, or go back. Also, you said that the gourami stays at the top, but this guy is all over the place. I saw him looking out of the lighthouse on the bottom this morning, which was kind of funny, I didn't think he could fit in there.

As for sexing it, does anyone have any pictures or know where I can see some? I thought the dorsal was rounded and my wife said no. I'm assuming she's right, since she usually is, but I wanted to see pictures of the two to try and figure it out.

Thanks again for all the responses.
Danios can be nippy.. so getting a few more is probably best so it doesn't start nipping the platys/gourami.. I wouldn't say your tank is overstocked.. as long as you keep up with water changes you should be alright..

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