@#%$#@#$ stupid gravel cleaner

I can't see the problem with a good suck :lol: Suck it till it starts going down hill then stop.......SIMPLE! The problem starts when you have to re suck :crazy: If you are scared of getting poisoned then think what your poor fish have to live in
fill the tube beforehand full with water, holding it at level so that it forms a u shape, and then starting the syphon by placing one end in the tank and the other in the pail, works everytime

i also do this nd i havent had a problem yet
I can't see what all the fuss is about. I hold the pipe the tank end and the wife sucks the other end to start the syphon . Works well for me although the wife does occasionally complain. :hey:
I suck the end of a basic tube to do cleans. Generally you can avoid getting water in your mouth with a little concentration. The only trouble comes if you get distracted whilst doing it. And then it's a bit :sick: .
you shouldnt need to suck on it.

make sure the small end is below the tank.
put the big end in upside down so it fills with water.
lift up the big end so the tube fills with water and as soon as the water comes out the small end put your finger over the end.
put the big end in the water and tilt it up so it fills with water.
then make sure it has no air and take your finger off the small end then the siphon should start.
if you lift the big end out the water then obviously it will stop because air will get into it.

hope this helps :thumbs:
Hi, I tried the suck and stop quick method and after several swallows of water and a bad stomach-could have been all in the mind! I bought a gravel cleaner and think it's great, my fish seem ok with it and I use it once or twice a week-no problems yet anyway.
I have 3 minnows, 3 emale platys, 2 male platys, 2 danios and 3 black moores one of which is now orange for some reason!!
I find all the gadgets and gizmos they sell to make maintenance "easier" are simply frustration sources. When I need to start a siphon, I suck on the pipe. People tell me how bad that is for me, but I've been doing it like that for over 40 years and haven't developed white spot yet.

:hyper: LOLOLOLOLROFL :crazy:

I to JUST Suck on the Pipe, and I have'nt caught a Case of Dropsy YET.
Unless you look at my Gut then you might WONDER???? :fun: :lol:

You can go to your Local Wal Mart and goto the Boating Section, and Pick Up a Primer Bulb to stick in the end of your Siphon Hose, Just a few Pumps and there ya Go.
The type they use for Boat Fuel Tanks, to Prime the Fuel Lines.
The Water will be flowin.

Depending on the Size of your Hose you might have to Downsize or Upsize to the right Tubing, but it Works.

And the Primer Bulb won't Hurt the Fish cause it never comes CLOSE to the Fish Tank.
I can't see the problem with a good suck :lol: Suck it till it starts going down hill then stop.......SIMPLE! The problem starts when you have to re suck :crazy: If you are scared of getting poisoned then think what your poor fish have to live in

I too use my mouth! (blushing now) I guess it comes from the watching my dad syphon petrol from one car to another when we had fuel shortages! I got a right mouthful the other day when the phone rang just as I was getting started. I had put some chemicals in there too and was so convinced I was going to die I had to make myself physically sick!

Not nice!!!
I have the type with a ball in the end of the wide part and you just push it in and out of the water to get it started. Well with my 10gallon tank I don't know if it's because the tank is so small or the gravel cleaner is defective (I use a separate one for each tank) but it's a real pain in the butt to get the siphon started. I literally bang the stupid thing all over the place, uprooting my plants, moving decorations, and probably pissing off my fish and snails. Is there an easier type? Maybe with a hand pump in one end or something?

btw this is the only one I can find around here other than one that is tiny like the 6" model I use for my 2 gallon tank. Which works perfectly.
I recommend the "Python" System. I've been using for 20+ years now and swear by it. It's worth the investment. It will last for many years if taken care of.
Bry :p
Good grief! Understand the frustration over a gravel cleaner but starting a siphon with your mouth? Hell-o folks?!?!? We're not talking a septic tank, we're talking a fish tank and, unless you're into brackish or salt water, the water in your tank is probably not a whole lot different than your tap water.....at least in the sense a small "drink" of it is going to kill you. Other than developing a craving for bloodworms I don't know that I've suffered any ill effects from starting the siphon by mouth. (Also don't remember getting a mouth full for a long time.....a little practice in this case works wonders.)
I just suck on the end of the tube. I've gotten good enough that I rarely get any water in my mouth. Just a little suck usually gets the water flowing good enough.
hi i have got a biorb make one you simply pump the end thing and water comes out then you just take it out of the water to stop water coming out, also it has got a grid type thing on the end so it dosnt disturb fish and decorations etc.
p.s i got it from pets at home £7.99 and i am very impresed with it
I too am a tube sucker. 1 out of 10 times i'll get a mouthful. No biggie, I just spit it in the bucket. Never swallowed any yet. Besides, if your little fishies can LIVE in it, you can certainly consume without a problem. Of the water I have tasted, I find it pretty crystal clear tasting actually. LOL.

If you watch the middle of the tube, and release right before it gets to you mouth it's perfect. Have no fear, just suck on it. :drool:

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