stupid fish


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
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one of my opaline gourami keeps on jumping out the water, I have a glass sliding cover on it so it keeps banging against it. I was dozing on the settee today and heard a bang so looked and saw the water surface swishing around but fish seemed ok. i looked this evening when i fed them and this gourami has damaged a patch of scales. there was blood on him, but he seems to be ok. sorry it lol dont know if he or she lol, anyway, its a full grown opaline gourami and the damaged patch is directly above his gills, it is approx 1 or 1 and a half inches, so a fair bit but as i say he seems fine, is swimming around - it was a bit pale but colour is coming back now.
I wondered if there is anything i can do to help him. And any way to prevent it happening again! I also noticed that there is a small outbreak of ich in my tank so have dosed them up for that. Will he be more suseptable to it? :( Hope hes going to be ok, he may be daft but hes a lovely fish. Keep your fingers crossed.
Thanks, Miggi
Im not an expert or anything but aquarium salt would be a good thing to add, if there isn't any scaleless fish in the tank. I would get a piece of foam and put it onto the top of the tank so that he would jump but not hurt himself.
lol - the wound is 1 to 1 and a half inches not the fish lol - not sure bout foam might get in the water? - would a plastic drip tray be better do you think? replace the glass?
i don't see that a plastic drip tray would do any less damage then the glass one.

i would give the foam a try first maybe you can drop the water line by a few cm's not too much obviously but maybe enough to stop him hitting the glass when he jumps.

Just an idea :dunno:

FF xx
Jumping fish can sometimes be an indicator of poor water quality, Do a couple of water tests and post the results plz
i'm pleased to announce my nitrites r a resounding zero lol
I have no idea about anything else as i have only that test kit at present but i'm doing 25% water changes weekly at present.
what you could do about the foam is use the fine canister filter pads. But get the solfest find possable. ;)
Most gouramis are naturally jumpy, IME, my opaline sometimes freaks out if I approach too fast. I would reccomend doing some water changes and maybe adding some melafix :thumbs: Good luck

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