Stupid Fish Stories


Fish Herder
Aug 3, 2006
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Baltimore, MD
Have you ever done anything really stupid when it comes to keeping fish?

I have a stupid fish story that comes from my uncle. He has a 30 gallon with 2 severums and a keyhole cichlid. (Yes, it's very overcrowded, but he doesn't seem to listen to me) My aunt bought him another cichlid that was yellow and they didn't know what it was. He pestered the crap out of the other fish in the tank, so when my neighbor was on vacation, he took the yellow cichlid and put it in his neighbor's pond! :unsure: The neighbor is now very much confused how the fish got there, but it has actually been doing okay with the koi in there for the past 6 months.
I started off with 3 guppies and 3 zebra danios in a tank a little under a gallon, and I didn't cycle the tank. Then I placed them in a ten gallon, no cycling. :| They lived. :yahoo: :cool: Still, wasn't the best idea.
I started off by adding some where near 30 fish. Randomly picked. Some of which were Black Skirt Tetras, Neon Tetras, Goldfish, some random cichlid that was 6 inches with black spots( still don't know what it was) and a bucnh of other fish that I don't remember. All cramped in a small 10gallon with 2 fake plants and purple and whit graval. i think I did a pretty good job of summing stupid up. Don't you think? :X
My first fish was 2 saltwater fish (3 spot damsel + clown fish). Obviously, I didnt know that they were salt water. I put them in a 5 gallons. They live exactly 20 minutes.

when i went out to buy my first ever fish, i was told by the men that i could have 2 koi carp and 4 golfish in a 30L :crazy: luckly i soon found out i couldnt and took em back, and never been back there since!!
attempted to keep 2 fire bellied newts in a 3g tank a couple years back
attempted to keep an Oscar in a 5gallon tank when I was 12 lol, no filter, no heater nothing... Stupid me!! The oscar died within a weeks time, luckily the place I bought em had a 10day return policy, I took it back and got my money back *phew* but man was I stupid as a kid lol

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