Stupid Cat> Happy Betta!


Fish Addict
Dec 23, 2005
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I got a new CT last week, And he is absolutley gorgeous.
The cat over the last 4Days has found the 2Gal bowl in the batroom and has frantically been trying to get in almost knocking the lid off once or twice!
I decided it wasn't best to keep the betta in there with all of that going on so decided to move him in the 35Ltr Deep hex tank- He is absolutley loving it but i will need that soon for the new redHM i am getting.
The cat hasn't won this time!
I think I saw your name on KG bettas against one of the that the one you are on about?

ps I was going to change my spelling of fish..but see your fish was living in a batroom (is that like a batcave? tee hee!)
After all these months, my cat has just discovered the tanks this week. All she can do is watch the fish and bat at the sides with her paws, but the lids are secure and the fish "should be" safe from her. I think she's suffering from spring fever because I won't let her go outside to chase the birds.
My dog is the same way, he just finally realised the fish, and they've been there for over half a year now! :lol:
Atleast you noticed it before the cat knocked it over to eat it.. :-( :-( :-( RIP Lust.
Well every time the door was shut she we scratching and panting t get in there and i knew something was up.
But now where am i going to put the nbew betta i planned for?!

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