Stuck With Zebra Danios


New Member
Apr 9, 2007
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The person at the chain pet store told me Zebra Danios would be just the thing to add to my platys I had had from the beginning of my tank. I got six of them and they proved to be aggressive. They eventually harried all my platys to death. I'm trying not to be bitter and am wondering where I should go from here with the llittle thugs. I have five Zebras and two chinese algea eaters in a 55 gallon well-established tank. Thanks for any help you can provide.
I'm no expert on danios and I have heard that they can be nippy but are you sure it was the danios that were the problem. Chinese Algae Eaters are nasty fish once they get some size and age on them. They will try to suck the slime coat off slower fish and also try to suck out their eyes.
I'm no expert on danios and I have heard that they can be nippy but are you sure it was the danios that were the problem. Chinese Algae Eaters are nasty fish once they get some size and age on them. They will try to suck the slime coat off slower fish and also try to suck out their eyes.

Ironically, my tank is in my office, and I'm a criminal defense lawyer. So I hate to condemn fish without evidence, but I have seen aggressive behavior aplenty from the danios. I'm afraid the danios are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

I got the danios because I thought they would be a peaceful schooling fish, but they don't even like each other.
I have 15 zebra danio and not experienced any aggression from them, they leave all my other fish including my platys alone!
yep ive 30 danios too and no aggression here either, with each other or with other fish, they are in with guppies, endlers, rams, corys, etc, they seem to all be very happy, di
yep ive 30 danios too and no aggression here either, with each other or with other fish, they are in with guppies, endlers, rams, corys, etc, they seem to all be very happy, di

Maybe I didn't have enough danios for them to keep each other occupied.
I had four zebra danio by themselves and they dropped off one at a time over the space of a couple of weeks. No sign of disease or anything but they all had slices taken out of their back or just under their jaw. I never saw them fighting but I think they would need a very good defence lawyer to get themselves off the hook.

I have six now and not a sign of aggression, in fact two of the females have spawned in the last week, don't hold out much hope that any of the fry will make it as they are in the tank with the adults.

I think probably the more you have the less aggressive they are.
I'm a newbie, so this is not the word of an expert.

I have 3 zebra danios in a tank that is too small for their active swimming (5 gallon hex)--I didn't know any better when I bought them. They chase each other constantly and also try to bother my 2 African dwarf frogs by swimming over them and stealing food. Thankfully, the frogs ignore them and get plenty of food by scavenging. I don't think they are dangerous to each other or the frogs, just not happy and too hyper for my tastes.

I got them at a US chain pet store. They will take them back, but said that they will "dump them". So, I found a local fish store that will take them. I'm taking them back sometime this week.

Just wanted to share my experience with danios.
I'm sorry you're having such trouble with them! I've got 6 glowlight danios and I haven't had a problem with them. They nip each other ocasionally and if another fish isn't moving enough for their liking they'll give it a nip, but once they realise it's not food they go back to chasing each other ;)
They are very nippy fish, I'd either stick with them and get yourself a larger school or take everything back and start stocking from scratch if you want to go for a peaceful tank. The CAEs will likely turn on each other once they get a bit larger though I doubt they'll bother the danios. If you're looking for other tankmate options, go with some fish that can hold their own, maybe a pair of blue rams. Avoid any other bottom dwellers as long as you keep the CAEs.
They are very nippy fish, I'd either stick with them and get yourself a larger school or take everything back and start stocking from scratch if you want to go for a peaceful tank. The CAEs will likely turn on each other once they get a bit larger though I doubt they'll bother the danios. If you're looking for other tankmate options, go with some fish that can hold their own, maybe a pair of blue rams. Avoid any other bottom dwellers as long as you keep the CAEs.

Okay, so I could get some more danios and then some other tough fish that they won't bother, like... ??? (Blue rams I'll look up.) Thanks.
I have about 5 danios now and they keep to themselves in their own group. They don't bother anyone else in the tank! The only thing I could think of is your Chinese algae eater went after your platys. Sorry to hear the news. I have a male and female swordtail in with mine.
The person at the chain pet store told me Zebra Danios would be just the thing to add to my platys I had had from the beginning of my tank. I got six of them and they proved to be aggressive. They eventually harried all my platys to death. I'm trying not to be bitter and am wondering where I should go from here with the llittle thugs. I have five Zebras and two chinese algea eaters in a 55 gallon well-established tank. Thanks for any help you can provide.

Dude I know danios are little thugs,but the bigger the shoal the more the aggression is distributed.If you get 2 or 3 more danios and replace your original stock,they should be fine...theoretically.I'm not saying they'll go nazi and racially purge your tank again but it seems as if it would work.
How many platies originally?

Mine attacked a single cherry barb. (I know their supposed to be in groups, he was just the last of his kind to go)
All my danios seem to do is chase each other. All day, every day!!


Chinese Algae Eaters are nasty fish once they get some size and age on them. They will try to suck the slime coat off slower fish and also try to suck out their eyes.


Does the same apply to Siamese Flying Foxes? (They are the same family, aren't they?) I'm only asking because I've got some Khulis and a Bristlenose plaec and I don't fancy any of them being 'suckered'...


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