Stubborn Ich

I am in the process of bringing the temperature back down. Not there yet though. Once it is down I will do the tank swap. I am a bit split about it.

Red wag is clearly not well, sort of twitchy/irritated... no sign of ich or stringy poop though. Did have an unusual ammonia spike of 0.5 yesterday but that was sorted immediately.

Blue coral is... somewhere in between healthy and sick... I am having trouble judging exactly what is the problem at this point. She is clamping more than would be normal and often seeking out quiet places.

Everyone else is fine.

I am certain I need to remove the red wag to the smaller tank for ongoing treatment... but having trouble deciding if I should remove blue coral too... she is either still ill or just affected by all the ongoing treatment. I just don't know how to tell which.

AND... on top of that... I am going away on holiday from Sunday afternoon until Wednesday morning and scared something will happen while I am going... more than anything... scared that if I put the two sick platies in the small tank that one might die and poison the other.
There is no one to watch them at all.
Rosie (red wag) died during the night.

She seemed to be the source of the ich outbreaks so maybe, at least, it will finally clear up.
So, new course of action.

The temp has reached normal after several days... so I have done my tank swap. My shrimp left their tank and moved into the community tank. I've fully scrubbed their old tank up and minimized what was in there (a lot!) I have moved my Blue Coral in there... she HATED it so I chose a fry to keep her company and it seems to be helping.

As my platy tank has been heavily treated for about 2 1/2 weeks now, I have done several water changes to remove medicine and dosed them with a light dose of general tonic... I am hoping with blue coral removed that will be all that is needed to draw the ich to an end in that tank.

I have done a full dose of General Tonic for the blue coral and hoping there will be no re-occurrence and she will become herself again. At the moment, I can't tell if she is clamping or not anymore as she hates the sight of me for having moved her and goes flying at my slightest movement.
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that Rosie died.  Know that you did the best you could for her...
Are you employing a caretaker while you're on holiday?  If so, they can keep you updated on what's happening with your fish.
Again, best of luck.
Unfortunately no. I know my neighbor would try if I asked her... but to be honest... I think my fish are better off going with no food (but a food block for babies) and waiting it out.
I totally understand.  People who don't keep fish themselves often make mistakes concerning other people's fish.  Just make sure they're comfortable and that the light is off before you go...and have a nice trip!

Nothing has reappeared since I have done a really good cleaning of the tank and the shrimp tank and split them up. So... hopefully nothing will happen while I am gone either!

I seem to have come down with tonsilitis so hopefully I won't be miserable during my trip either!
Came back much sicker than when I left, unfortunately. But I was super me and managed to do all that we planned with the kids (impressed even myself!!)

Good news.... I left the fish medicine free and have returned and none of them in either tank appears to be ill or have ich! It seems to finally have come to an end! I did lose one shrimp in my community tank (the tank that has no illnesses) but that wasn't entirely unexpected. I have a shrimp that did one of those incomplete molts (with the line like a belt inbetween) and it was also my very oldest shrimp that I've had for at least a year... my assassin snails managed to nearly eat the entire thing before I got back.
Oh my goodness!  Congratulations!!!!  I'm so happy for you that they're better.  Too bad about the shrimp, though...
It seems that you've transferred the fish's sickness to yourself, LOL!
Get better soon!  Again, GREAT job with that ich episode, so glad that it finally ended!

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