Struggling With My Eheim Pro Ii 2126


Fish Fanatic
Feb 25, 2011
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I was having a great evening setting up my new (secondhand) tank until it came to setting up the external filter. I've got an Eheim Pro II 2126 and as far as I'm aware, the piping is correctly set up (according to the manual). However when it comes to switching it on I can see little to no evidence of water movement and it sounds like a coffee peculator. Not good. I can't see what I'm doing wrong, so I've very much appreciate ideas from those who know better. Cheers, Andy

Just to note, I did prime the filter using the big button thingy before I switched it on. :)
I'd try manually priming it, just suck on the outlet pipe until the canister is full and water begins to emerge in the outlet pipe, then switch on, after that it will make some noise, there will be some trapped air, it should disperse on its own.
When you use the priming button you should notice two things happening. First, you should be able to hear the water flowing into the canister and second, you should see/hear the air coming out of the spraybar. Because one can not quite get all the water in and all the air out via priming the initial turn on should result in the final water coming in the the last of the air going out. This would be making the "percolator" noise. This should all work itself out fairly fast and the filter should quiet right down.

I have been running a pair of the Pro II 2026 (no internal heater) for many years and this happens every time I clean them.
Think I've got it running. No longer sounds like a coffee peculator. It does however, seem noisier than I remember. Pity I can't fit it into my cabinet. I sure that'd help. :)

Anywho, thank you muchly for the help guys. Very much appreciated.

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