strong current


Fish Addict
Feb 28, 2005
Reaction score
Houston, Tx.
Not sure if this belongs here but if it doesn't, mods please move it.
My 10 gallon tank is occupied by my betta and it seems like the filter is bothering him. It didn't do that before but it looks as if he's being blown around by it. I've heard about putting a sponge in the filter intake tube but I'm not sure what type of sponge. Does it have to be a special type of sponge or can I just disinfect any new sponge, cut it and stick it in there?
Ok, so I just cut a sponge that I had and put it into some clean water. Any advice would be well appreciated though.
is ther any way you direct the flow of the out let.......
I can take a picture of the filter to show you how it is. I tried filling the water close to the outlet so that it would splash as much but that didn't seem to help...

Edited to add picture

He seems to be trying to avoid the current. But he prefers eating on the side of the tank that has the filter. Actually, he wont take the food from anywhere else in the tank.


  • filter.JPG
    45 KB · Views: 29
you do NOT want to use a normal, everyday cleaning sponge i have heard....unfortunately adding a sponge to that filter will not affect the current THAT much....a sponge filter is one that you stick a tube in and insert an airline into the tube....the water is forced up through the tube and particles trapped in the sponge...sorry, for lack of time i cannot explain more but you can see how to make one in the Do It Yourself forum or can even buy premade ones that all you need is the air pump
Take a piece of filter sponge, cut a slit in the middle, enough to insert the intake tube, then slide it works in mine at home...slowed the output rate down tremendously.

You could also cut a piece of filter foam in half and stuff it inside the filter unit woudln't suck as much water up and out that way...but that could make a mess if you put too much sponge in and the water backs up...I still suggest the foam over the intake pipe...not in it.
Thanks :thumbs: That looks like a good idea. I shall try to do that tonight. It's good that it had pictures too. I tend to learn better by seeing it done somewhere. :*)
as i didn't know what filter you had thats what i was talking about directing the flow outlet from you picture is the flow back to front of the tank as if it is put the filter on the side so it goes across the tank say at the back this will have further to travel so will be slower overall , and will also create a circular movement and give better filtration over all.... :D :D
mm_simb said:
Thanks :thumbs: That looks like a good idea. I shall try to do that tonight. It's good that it had pictures too. I tend to learn better by seeing it done somewhere. :*)
I'm the same way. I like instructions to be written and illustrated as if they were for a pre-schooler :lol: As long as the bottle is clear and there's no label, I don't think it'll look TOO bad. I'm sure better than the pantyhose solution I used for one of my filters :*)

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