Fish Crazy
I’ve recently purchased a few used tanks which I’ve been cleaning and preparing over the last couple of days. The last step is to remove the paint from the backs. They have all been used for marine in the past so have been painted with the typical light marine blue.
I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for removing it? I’ve been using a stanley blade to get off all the coralline algae which has worked a treat, so I think that’s probably an option, though probably the most labour intensive. Anyone know if I can use standard paint stripper? Is it likely to mess with the silicone if any happened to get on it?
I’ve recently purchased a few used tanks which I’ve been cleaning and preparing over the last couple of days. The last step is to remove the paint from the backs. They have all been used for marine in the past so have been painted with the typical light marine blue.
I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for removing it? I’ve been using a stanley blade to get off all the coralline algae which has worked a treat, so I think that’s probably an option, though probably the most labour intensive. Anyone know if I can use standard paint stripper? Is it likely to mess with the silicone if any happened to get on it?