Fish Fanatic
I have kept 6 C. irrubesco (paid £6 a pair) in a very heavily planted tank for a while now, 3 male and 3 females, they all have there own plant territory and shown no signs of aggression, the male display to the females but never show signs of biting.
I must stress they are in an EXTREMLEY HEAVILY planted tank with loads Cabomba Caroliniana completely filling the tank. I think this is the key to keeping them in group's - loads of plants so they can hide away. Its no longer a pretty tank looks like a swamp jungle but they are thriving.
If you want to keep a red eye in a group go for C. irrubesco, they will not disappoint
I must stress they are in an EXTREMLEY HEAVILY planted tank with loads Cabomba Caroliniana completely filling the tank. I think this is the key to keeping them in group's - loads of plants so they can hide away. Its no longer a pretty tank looks like a swamp jungle but they are thriving.
If you want to keep a red eye in a group go for C. irrubesco, they will not disappoint