Stressed female dwarf gourami.


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2005
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I bought a female dwarf gourami today and as soon as i introduced her into the tank the male started nipping at her. Is this normal because they were not introduced together? Will he stop? She is stressed out. :(

Oh and I think she has a cataract too, the shop assisstant did not give me a choice of what fish I wanted. What if i can't get aquarium fungicide to treat it? Will this spread to my other fish? I will treat with melafix because her fins look ragged. SOOOOOOOOO worried.

I knew I shouldn't have bought from pets at home.
Can you post test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, what size tank, how many fish and which type, also if you have no scaless fish maybe add some salt to the tank.
Sure can I'll post a pic when camera battery charged too. Poor wee thing is still breathing rapidly. Male dwarf is leaving her be now.
Tank details :
60cm x30cm x 35cm, 13.8 UK gal/ 63 litres.
3 pearl danios
3 long-finned zebra danios
4 golden zebra danio
Danio fry
I male Dwarf Flame Gourami
3 Pepper Corydoras
Water stats, as she is heavy breathing.
Yeah, I will when I finish my tea I'll do a check. Shes been breathing rapidly since I put her in today I think its stress related. She is generally in poor condition.
Turn tank light out for now to see if she settles down, add some salt if you have no scaless fish, please post test results to make sure it isn't water quality.
Nitrate= 10
Nitrite= 0
pH= 7.2
GH= >10
KH= 3
Temp= 23
You can't see much from the picture but thats where she is most of the time. I'm worried about her eye but I think the melafix treats cloudy eyes.
It's not water quality, what was the ph of the store, let her settle down in peace and quiet turn tank lights out, good luck.
Yeah tank lights off, I hope that helps her, thank you.
Just keep an eye on her, good luck, hope she comes round.
On closer inspection it looks like she has hole in the head disease which is highly possible seeing as she has obviously been under alot of stress.
No just holes, I realise its more common in cichlids but thats just what it looks like. They are not pus-filled. Nowt much I can do just now, see what she is like in the morning.
She's still pretty much the same. Any advice? I havn't seen her eat either.

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