Stressed Brittle Star


Fish Fanatic
Nov 15, 2003
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This is a photo of poor Beowulf just shortly after he started spewing his food from earlier. He went through a stressful transition to a new tank, and so I assume this is why it has happened, but I want to make sure that he'll be okay. Earlier he was grabbing flake food from my fingers, and inspecting every little bit of my hand - truly, these are some of the most amazing creatures I have ever come into contact with. And no central nervous system! I can't get enough of that.

I had a green brittle star which at a good portion of my corals and CUC then threw up into my nano tank :grr:

After that incident I would never have another...but...mine didn't seem stressed in the slightest, it just seemed to go on a binge and then threw up. It was a good job it did it in the daytime while I was at home and not in the middle of the night. I dread to think what would have hppened to the fish if I hadn't got it out and done a prompt water change.

Just keep an eye on it. Maybe the flake food didn't agree with it or it ate too much.

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