Stressed Bala Sharks


New Member
Jul 4, 2012
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Hi all,

I am having work done on my house and as result had to move my tank for a while. As it's a large 4 ft I had to transfer all fish to a small tank, drain and save as much water as possible, move tank and reassemble. My problem was my two silver sharks they are so skitty and hate the net, they have lost a couple of scales between them and my largest one has gashed his head. They are healing perfectly fine and you wouldn't know to look at them now. However I am going to need to repeat the process in a few week to put the tank back and am worried about the stress levels and more damage. Can anyone think of a easier more stress free way of catching my sharks, as them being massive jumpers also dosent help. This is a massive headache on top of the work we are having done. :(
Thanks in advance
bala sharks should really be kept in groups of 6+ in a tank that is at least 6 feet long (100+ gallons) as they are active swimmers....some of their stress might be caused by the small tank and small shoal....
other than that, if your tank is in a "high traffic" area where people walk by alot, i would leave the light on, and put a large blanket over the tank so the fish can not see out of the tank for a few days, this will help them calm down and get used to their "new" home without seeing distractions outside the tank
Thanks mickey, however they are not stressed at all when in the tank it is just when I am trying to get them out while I need to move the tank. They are only out of the tank a short time but I am stressing them while trying to net them.
Just thought maybe someone had a easier suggestion for a smoother catch.
Use two nets, one to guide them to where you want to catch them, and one to catch them.

As long as you keep your water pristine, they should heal on their own.
try and catch them at night after the tank has been in complete darkness for  awhile.  they will be "asleep" and easier to catch

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