Stress Stripe?

Because my mom thanks it dangerous to walk on a busy road like it is with all that traffic and I never rode a bus before (besides a school bus). Also something is wrong with the betta were talking about since last night he has been acting wierd, he has been setting on the bottom and not moving and only moves to get air or when I'm sitting in front of his or I set the mirror besides him. The temp in the bowl is around 72-74 degress which is warmer than before, before it was like 70 degrees. Should I wrap a towel around him or is he depressed because he can't see anyone or himself? Also we don' t live in a house we live in a 2 bedroom apartment that is somewhat small.

72-74 is still too cold for a betta in my opinion. You are going to continue to see him deteriorate until this temperature situation is fixed. My bettas are kept between 78-80 degrees. When was his last water change? Perhaps you should give him a complete water change, and make sure the water is a little warmer. If you have one of those floating thermometers that are glass, you can measure the temperature from the tap, make sure it's at 78 or so. Then change his tank with that water, dechlorinated of course. Acclimate him slowly and then see if he perks up.

I really don't mind helping you Durbkat, but eventually you are going to have to make a decision as to whether or not you are going to upgrade your tanks. I know that websites say that 1/2 gallon is alright, and I understand why you think that is acceptable. Perhaps in Miami, FL, or in another very warm environment, 1/2 gallon, properly maintained with 3x 100% water changes a week, would be acceptable, especially if the betta is a juvie awaiting a new home, a plakat, or being housed temporarily. But it is not a suitable permanent home, especially in a colder climate. Seeing that your climate is not warm and tropical, in my opinion, 1/2 is just too unstable to keep a betta successfully, especially in the winter and without adaquate heat.

You can try the towel, but really you won't have a proper solution and won't see improvement until you have a larger system. I don't think it helps your fish either to be denied visual stimulus by being wrapped in a towel. Even an extra 1/2 gallon makes a big difference as far water changes and temperature stability are concerned. Increase your tank size to 1 gallon, and you will greatly increase your temperature stabilty, and you will reduce your need for complete water changes.

Obviously, you're betta's not comfortable if he is just sitting in the bottom. How hard would it really be to make him comfortable? It doesn't even require a tank or a bowl. People here have their bettas in tupperware, as long as it holds the right amount of water and it's covered. I know what the websites say, but you can't take everything you read at face value.

I really want to help you, but I feel like I'm just repeating myself over and over again. I really don't feel like I'm getting anywhere. I wish you luck and I hope your betta improves, but until you start taking some of the advice from fellow members of this forum, I don't see how your fish's condition will improve. I don't want to offend you, and I understand that you are still learning, we all are, but I can't continue answering questions and giving advice when it's not being headed.

I'm sorry, Durbkat, again good luck.
I have a 1g that i'm using to keep odds and ends in it but don't have a heater for it and it is one of those aqauview ones that once you put the lid on it there is only a small hole for air would that be enough opening for him to get air in to him? Also this tank has been used to treat a sick for for ick and I heard like once the tank dries out the ick dies it that true, if so I will move him in there. But wouldn't the water still be to cold for him?
I have a 1g that i'm using to keep odds and ends in it but don't have a heater for it and it is one of those aqauview ones that once you put the lid on it there is only a small hole for air would that be enough opening for him to get air in to him? Also this tank has been used to treat a sick for for ick and I heard like once the tank dries out the ick dies it that true, if so I will move him in there. But wouldn't the water still be to cold for him?

Do you remember the thread where SRC gave you the instructions for nuking a tank? That can be used to prep this little tank. I suggest you nuke this tank if it's been used to treat illness. I wouldn't take any chances that there isn't any bacteria in there. It take a day or two max to nuke a tank and then your little guy can be put in there.

That opening will be plenty for air exchange, good thing the tank has a lid. Bettas should have a covered tank as they can jump very well. They can sneak out of very tiny openings.

Yes, the temperature could still be too cold, but that is why I suggested to change the water with water that's warmer. You do have hot water right? Mix the hot with the cold under a running faucet until it doesn't feel ice cold anymore, it should feel cool, but pleasent. It only takes a small addition of hot water. But get a thermometer to be really sure. I can make a good estimate and get it between 78-80 just by feel, but I've had over 15 years of water changes. My hands know what it feels like.

The benefit of a larger tank means better temperature stability, among countless other benefits. Even the 1/2 gallon difference will help keep the temperature more stable. Now, perform 3 water changes a week with that warmer water, and your fish's health will improve, because the temperature will stay more constant longer.
Well the only fish that was sick and it had ick and I believe on here somebody said that the ick cyst or ick it self will die when there is no water for it live in. Also I don't have bleach just this washing detergent that says it has bleach in it and its a powder kind of washing detergent. I have temporarioly put him in one of those holding containers that lfs use to put the fish in before they put it in a bag and have hung it on the inside of my 10g to warm him up but he is still acting the same way only moving around a little bit.
Well the only fish that was sick and it had ick and I believe on here somebody said that the ick cyst or ick it self will die when there is no water for it live in. Also I don't have bleach just this washing detergent that says it has bleach in it and its a powder kind of washing detergent. I have temporarioly put him in one of those holding containers that lfs use to put the fish in before they put it in a bag and have hung it on the inside of my 10g to warm him up but he is still acting the same way only moving around a little bit.

You can't use any detergent of any type to clean a tank. Just use very, very hot water and rinse repeatedly over and over again, if you don't have bleach. Not as good as nuking, but better than nothing. Also try not to use the same gravel, as the gunk tends to live there. It'll still be better than a half gallon or that little container he's in now.

Just out of curiousity, when was the last time you changed the water in that 1/2 gallon? What's you maintenance regimen for this tank?
I did a 100% cleaning last wensday and I do this every week and there isn't build up of poop or anything just the normal amount of poop not to much not to less. Also since he is in this container that is in the 10g he is laying on the bottom still. Whats wrong with him now?
I did a 100% cleaning last wensday and I do this every week and there isn't build up of poop or anything just the normal amount of poop not to much not to less. Also since he is in this container that is in the 10g he is laying on the bottom still. Whats wrong with him now?

That's a week ago! Dude, no wonder he's feeling poorly, especially with this cold! Durbkat, if you have been reading my posts, you'll notice that one of my running themes is that when a tank is as small as yours is, the tank should be changed 3x a week. All of my betta bowls, of which I have 7, all of which are over a gallon, receive the following maintenance on a weekly basis:

1, 75% water change on Monday
1, 100% water change and bowl clean on Thursday.

My tanks are larger than yours. Fish release liquid waste in addition to pooping and not every piece of food gets eaten, so you may not see a physical build-up of ammonia. Seeing poop is not an indication for the ammonia present in a tank. Only a test kit can tell you that, though your fish's reaction is a pretty good indication that something isn't right. For your tank, I recommend the following maintenance schedule.

1, 100% water change on Monday
1, 75% water change on Thursday
1, 100% water change on Saturday

That is my recommended maintenance schedule for you to follow for a 1/2 gallon tank. If you use warmer water like I said to do, then the temperature will stay pretty constant. When you upgrade to a 1 gallon, you can eliminate the 100% water change on Saturday, but continue to use warmer water.

Once a week is not enough for a 1/2 tank. Once a week is not enough for a 1/2 gallon. Once a week is not enough for a 1/2 gallon. Have I stressed this enough? I don't care what the websites say or the LFS. They are wrong!

To answer you question. Being exposed to other fish in the 10 gallon, when you're cold, stressed, and uncomfortable would make me sit in the bottom too and not want to move around. Even if he can't interact with them, he can still see them. Also, what temperature is that tank at? If you don't mind me asking? Maybe the tank isn't warm enough to perk him up. Bettas can be particular about the temperature they're kept in. Some like less warm water, but others like it hot! One of my bettas, Siegmund, won't build bubble nests until his tank is at a warm 82. Fasolt, on the other hand, likes 78.

Fish can't tell you when something is wrong, you have to learn how to read the signs that they give you.

You follow my advice and get that 1g ready for him ASAP! :p

Keep me posted on his health.
Well I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that I have upgraded him to the 1g/ The bad news is he still isn't as active and the water in the 1g is between 76 and 78 but he still sits on the bottom only moving when I am sitting in front of him watching or when I put a mirror behind him. What else could be the problem? Also to answer your question about the temp in the 10g I had him setting in it is at 78 degrees since there is a heater in there.
Give him a little time to get used to his surroundings. It's stressful being moved from one place to another. Begin reading the FAQ on diseases. Make sure you have some medicines stocked up. In my apartment, I have a cure for external Parasites, a cure for True Fungal infections, and an antibiotic. I don't use them much, but I can at least start the first round of treatment for most common aquarium illnesses. Since I can't see the betta, I can't make, nor would I attempt to make a diagnosis through this forum. Right now, just watch and see. Give him a few days to recover, and then follow that maintenance regimen I suggested. Be patient. He's been through a lot these past through days. :)
He's fine now I think it was because he was missing his neighbor. But now he can see him and he is now swimming around and flaring at him occasioanlly. :)
He's fine now I think it was because he was missing his neighbor. But now he can see him and he is now swimming around and flaring at him occasioanlly. :)

Just keep a close eye on him for a few days, then follow the regimen I gave you. Hmmm, now what can we do about your other 1/2 gallon. Baby steps, baby steps.
I did a 100% cleaning last wensday and I do this every week and there isn't build up of poop or anything just the normal amount of poop not to much not to less. Also since he is in this container that is in the 10g he is laying on the bottom still. Whats wrong with him now?

hehe...But someone told me to clean a tank with HOT water and Salt. I think that would do fine. But dont leave any salt behind or else ur bettas may get sick.
lljdma06 I'm going to get another 1g aquaview the next time I go to wal*mart.
lljdma06 I'm going to get another 1g aquaview the next time I go to wal*mart.

Good, young grasshopper, now go give me and the other members of the forum who helped you see the light the proper credit for your recent endeavors in that other thread. :grr:


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