Because my mom thanks it dangerous to walk on a busy road like it is with all that traffic and I never rode a bus before (besides a school bus). Also something is wrong with the betta were talking about since last night he has been acting wierd, he has been setting on the bottom and not moving and only moves to get air or when I'm sitting in front of his or I set the mirror besides him. The temp in the bowl is around 72-74 degress which is warmer than before, before it was like 70 degrees. Should I wrap a towel around him or is he depressed because he can't see anyone or himself? Also we don' t live in a house we live in a 2 bedroom apartment that is somewhat small.
72-74 is still too cold for a betta in my opinion. You are going to continue to see him deteriorate until this temperature situation is fixed. My bettas are kept between 78-80 degrees. When was his last water change? Perhaps you should give him a complete water change, and make sure the water is a little warmer. If you have one of those floating thermometers that are glass, you can measure the temperature from the tap, make sure it's at 78 or so. Then change his tank with that water, dechlorinated of course. Acclimate him slowly and then see if he perks up.
I really don't mind helping you Durbkat, but eventually you are going to have to make a decision as to whether or not you are going to upgrade your tanks. I know that websites say that 1/2 gallon is alright, and I understand why you think that is acceptable. Perhaps in Miami, FL, or in another very warm environment, 1/2 gallon, properly maintained with 3x 100% water changes a week, would be acceptable, especially if the betta is a juvie awaiting a new home, a plakat, or being housed temporarily. But it is not a suitable permanent home, especially in a colder climate. Seeing that your climate is not warm and tropical, in my opinion, 1/2 is just too unstable to keep a betta successfully, especially in the winter and without adaquate heat.
You can try the towel, but really you won't have a proper solution and won't see improvement until you have a larger system. I don't think it helps your fish either to be denied visual stimulus by being wrapped in a towel. Even an extra 1/2 gallon makes a big difference as far water changes and temperature stability are concerned. Increase your tank size to 1 gallon, and you will greatly increase your temperature stabilty, and you will reduce your need for complete water changes.
Obviously, you're betta's not comfortable if he is just sitting in the bottom. How hard would it really be to make him comfortable? It doesn't even require a tank or a bowl. People here have their bettas in tupperware, as long as it holds the right amount of water and it's covered. I know what the websites say, but you can't take everything you read at face value.
I really want to help you, but I feel like I'm just repeating myself over and over again. I really don't feel like I'm getting anywhere. I wish you luck and I hope your betta improves, but until you start taking some of the advice from fellow members of this forum, I don't see how your fish's condition will improve. I don't want to offend you, and I understand that you are still learning, we all are, but I can't continue answering questions and giving advice when it's not being headed.
I'm sorry, Durbkat, again good luck.