Teelie said:
Sounds like a promotional advertisement to me more than anything else. Until I see some verifiable reports, I'll keep my opinion of aloe vera in the aquarium. :)
I can assure you that I'm in no way affiliated with the makers/sellers of Stress Coat. I'm just a fishkeeper who's offering advice to other fishkeepers.

It helped me, and it may help you.

Teelie, I'd like to see some verifiable reports that it clogs fish gills. :lol:

Forget about 'verifiable reports', many of us know that personal experience is the best form of information you can get.
I was referring to your link, not what you said, and I never said it did, only it may. Misreading words makes a big difference in context. :)

I used to have the stuff and I can't say it made any difference whatsoever in my aquarium.
My husband uses Stress Coat when he does a water change on his 240 gallon but I haven't been using it in my tanks and my fish are healthy. I'm not real sure what the purpose of it is but like I said, mine do fine without it.
I have aqua plus, it removes chlorine and chloromine, heavy metals, adds promotes slime coat, and reduces stress and healps healing. It is used in most aquariam stores and so far my fish (both tropical and coldwater) haven't reacted any differently, so it's not bad for them. My guppies tail healed very fast once I got rid of a nipper, so possitive feedback from me...

I use stress coat and have done for years and have never had any troubles in any of my 11 tanks from using it. When used as a de chlorinater a little goes a very long way as 1 teaspoon dechlorinates 10 us gallons (40 litres), ive never used it as cure for damaged skin or fins.

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