STRESS COAT Harmful???


New Member
Jun 19, 2003
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Okay, I need some feedback on this because I just did a partial (1 gallon) water change on my 5 gallon Betta tank, and read where someone on another site said that Stress Coat (I add 5 drops per gallon) is very hard on Bettas specifically, and fish in general.

Has anyone encountered any problems with this product???

Is a slime coat additive really necessary? I don't really need a declorinator, because I'm using bottled water, and am wondering if I should be adding anything other than aquarium salt.

Having always used Stress Coat and no other type of water conditioner, I can't say I have seen any harmful effects. I have always for the most part had very healthy fish, true, sometimes I will lose a fish but not at a time when I would think it would be from using the Stress Coat.

That is all I recommend but I am sure others may disagree with me. All I can offer is my personal experience. When I had bettas though I did get betta max as it is made specifically for them. Can't say it did me a lot of good as that is one fish that I can no longer keep alive regardless of what I do.

Well...i dont know anything about bettas, but i always use stress coat, and it has done wonders. I get some torn fins everyonce and a while, put some stress coat in..all better. I use it as a dechlorinator, and a stress reliever (duh), IMO i would say its not harmful at all.
i have never used it so i would say its not a nessesaty but if you like it then go for it.
A lot of people think that the protective action of stress coat may hinder the gill function of fish and so wont use it,i have and do use it as it is the cheapest dechlorinator i can find (a little goes a very long way)and i have never had any problems which could be blamed on it,but i never use it to help heal damaged fish.There may be something in the bad for bettas theory though,my other half keeps a small community set up in which she has added many bettas over the years,all of which have died of a unidentifiable disease (a fungus type coating that starts at the head and moves down the body).I didnt think of the stress coat at the time but that may be the answer.
I have had great success with stress coat as well, actually have switched over to it form Aqua Safe by tetra. I believe it is 5 drops per 1/4 gallon though, at least that is what is says on the bottle.


1 tsp per 10 us gallons or 40 litres,unless the US version is different
stress coat is NOT harmful to bettas or any other fish unless its way way overdosed.

like it was posted earlier, some ppl believe it effects gill function, but i havent read anything that prooves that one way or the other.
I was adding 5 drops to a gallon container of bottled water. If it's not necessary for slime coat, and it's not necessary as a dechlorinator (since I'm not using tap water), then.........why am I using it???

Maybe I will knock it off and not add to future water changes.

Is there anybody out there who doesn't use anything with bottled water?

I personally use Aqua Safe when I do partial water changes. But when I use the net to catch fish or add new fish I use Stress Coat. Did you just get your Betta?

Shannon :shifty:
sef said:
(since I'm not using tap water), then.........why am I using it???
What water are you using?

If it is a bottled mineral water for drinking then id be cautious about using it as they are very hard and alkeline,not good for fishes unless you are keeping african rift valley species.

There is no need to add dechlorinator to RO distilled or bottled waters but RO and distilled water will need the trace elements put back in.

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