Stream "biotype" Aquarium Setup

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Oct 5, 2005
Reaction score
Edmonton , Canada
Hi aquarium lovers. Ill start by saying I am a rookie (4 months) and new aquarium addict. I have two "tiger rasboras" (Inlecypris auropurpureus) in a 20g that is under stocked (2 corries, one red eye tetra, one white cloud mountain minnow); yesterday while doing a water change (~25%) I noticed the my rasboras seemed to be very happy with the fast current that my low water level and external power filter created. I then decided I would consider converting my 29g into a flowing stream aquarium. I thought I would get a biowheel type filter that was designed to move allot of water and position it and one end of the aquarium, with the intake at the other end to create a current. Any comments? Is there a better way to do this? Eventually I would like to build a custom aquarium that is round with a current, but my current condo is to small for this idea now...All comments welcome

Note:I know that these rasboras would like to be in a bigger group, so I want to buy the two remaining at the store, any comments? (are 4 of these fish a big enough shoal for a 29g current aquarium?) They are rare fish and I don’t expect to see them in the store again soon..... But my 20g seems a bit small for these guys and I don’t want to add more until I convert my 29g to a stream flowing aquarium....

PS- I have 3 Denison’s barbs in my 29 g now, will these barbs and rasboras work well together in a flowing 29g aquarium?
I don't understand how would you create current with just one bio-wheel filter? the intake is right next to the output

the most reasonnable way to create a river in an aquairum is with a long narrow tank. use powerheads and piping to put the intake on one end and the output at the other end. you'll need enough powerheads to move the ware at least 20-30 times an hour to get current.

Depending on what kind of current you want, put more or less...
I don't understand how would you create current with just one bio-wheel filter? the intake is right next to the output

the most reasonnable way to create a river in an aquairum is with a long narrow tank. use powerheads and piping to put the intake on one end and the output at the other end. you'll need enough powerheads to move the ware at least 20-30 times an hour to get current.

Depending on what kind of current you want, put more or less...

Certainly , I would run the intake to the other side of the tank....Probably under the gravel with a hose...
the tunze stream powerheads would be ideal for this setup, as they produce a much more diffuse stream than normal powerheads.



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