Stray Dog


Fish Crazy
Apr 8, 2004
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Never have been in this forum so im this is my first post :p,

I was driving home from work about a few weeks ago when i saw a dog laying on the side of the road in a sleeping-like position...I pulled over and when i got out of the truck the dog was indeed alive and was looking at me...I walked over cautiously and found the husky-type-dog was about starving and some minor problems...The dog had no collar and it appeared to me that it was abandoned...It kept whining so I looked around seeing if there was any houses nearby and there was nothing but trees...I went to the nearby gas station about 100yards away and asked if they knew or saw the dogs owner, they said no so I figured it was abandoned so I placed her in the back of my truck and drove to the vet, The vet said she indeed was starving and dehydrated and just had some minor scratches etc. The dog stayed there and I visited her the following week, the vet said she was fine and had a great come back, she also is a Pure-Bred husky, :nod: and just needed an owner, I immediatly said I would take her in and so I drove home with her, When I arrived home I simply named her lucky :)

Now about 4 weeks after the event, lucky has come out of her shell and is a loving, fun dog. She demands to ride in my truck whereever i go and has a great personality, i cant beleive someone would just abandom a very loving, caring, dog!

Here she is waking up from her nap in the after noon while i was working outside :)
What an awesome deed :wub: :clap: :thumbs:
It's not like you aren't benefitting as well as Lucky :whistle: :shifty: :p
The dog I found on the street is the best animal I've ever known. Sometimes I think we were meant for eatch other :wub:
Thanks for rescuing Lucky. You did a great thing :D
i second that POTM not just for the dog(even though its very pretty)but coz it deservs to win!good luck :D
Thats is a superb story! You should tell your local newpaper and they may do a story on it. ;) With huskies and their thick winter coats, the heat would've acted very quickly on her. She was prob close to heat stroke before you came along. No doubt you saved her life that day.
I would love to rescue an animal, not to mention huskies which are my FAV breed you lucky skunk :p. All my future animals will indeed be either rescues or from a shelter/rescue.
WOW! You are such a great person to take her in like that! She is a very lucky puppy. :D ;) And I know, I can't believe how people just abandon their pets like that. :angry: :grr: :-( :< ???? And by the way, she is a BEAUTIFUL dog! :blink: :wub: :D
That dog is so lucky to have someone like you. I would like to thank you for giving it such a good home and a second chance to love someone. Usually after someone sets out a dog beside the road the dog has a very hard time trusting anyone again. And I can't say as I blame the poor dogs either.My hat goes out to you. You are a very nice person and good things will come to you soon.. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
It would be wise to see if she's been neutered as you don't want to find puppys in her bed one day, good dead none the less though :nod: .
I wish everyone would take in strays, I work at a no kill animal shelter, and we get in hundreds of dogs a month. We're overcrowded right now. So if anyone is in Schuylkill County or surrounding counties of PA look here at The Hillside SPCA or here on petfinder. And just put in the area code of 17972, and you'll see more of our dogs than on the website.
And do get her spayed. An unneutered male can smell a female in heat from 11 miles away, and that's why most of our strays are unneutered males.
Very Cool. Its hard to imagen someone dumping a purebred huskey.
mY neighbor just paid $650 for a huskey a year ago......They are fantastic dogs!

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