Strange White Blobs Sticking On Glass


New Member
Jan 1, 2008
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I'm still cycling (wk3) and have readings of 7ph, 0 ammonia, 1.4 nitrite. I have noticed that there are small white blobs covering the glass and plants, which are attached by a fine thread. Can anyone please tell me what this may be and how I can get rid of them?

I have 8 Zebra Danio's who have been in the tank for 10 days. (I was badly advised by my LFS :angry: )

The nitrite is high, so you need to bring it down, or risk looking fish. Look at [topic="224306"]this thread[/topic] about fish-in cycling, as this is what you are now doing. Nitrite must be below 0.25, and is lowered via waterchanges. Leaing levels high, can result in long-term damage to your fish.

have you got any pics that we can see?



They are too small to pick up with my camera, they are about 1mm max in size but they are everywhere. They bob around in the current.

I don't know if this is of any help but I have brown algae on the real plants and rocks, which I am trying to correct by increasing the light duration.

My danio's won't eat them either, I was wondering wether I should just clean them off, but how can I get them off the plants?
The nitrite is high, so you need to bring it down, or risk looking fish. Look at [topic="224306"]this thread[/topic] about fish-in cycling, as this is what you are now doing. Nitrite must be below 0.25, and is lowered via waterchanges. Leaing levels high, can result in long-term damage to your fish.


Thanks rabbut

I have been doing water changes everyday, mostly 15lts. As soon as the nitrite shot above 1, I changed 40 ltrs, when it hit 1.6, I changed just under half the tank (30 gallon tank).

Even when I did the (near enough) 50% change the nitrite was back up over 1 an hour after, should I have done another one immediatley after and keep repeating until it drops to under 0.25?

The nitrite is high, so you need to bring it down, or risk looking fish. Look at [topic="224306"]this thread[/topic] about fish-in cycling, as this is what you are now doing. Nitrite must be below 0.25, and is lowered via waterchanges. Leaing levels high, can result in long-term damage to your fish.


Thanks rabbut

I have been doing water changes everyday, mostly 15lts. As soon as the nitrite shot above 1, I changed 40 ltrs, when it hit 1.6, I changed just under half the tank (30 gallon tank).

Even when I did the (near enough) 50% change the nitrite was back up over 1 an hour after, should I have done another one immediatley after and keep repeating until it drops to under 0.25?


Yes, repeate every two hours or so, untill nitrite drops back to a safe level. Are any of these floating blobs attaching themselves to any of the fish?

All the best
The nitrite is high, so you need to bring it down, or risk looking fish. Look at [topic="224306"]this thread[/topic] about fish-in cycling, as this is what you are now doing. Nitrite must be below 0.25, and is lowered via waterchanges. Leaing levels high, can result in long-term damage to your fish.


Thanks rabbut

I have been doing water changes everyday, mostly 15lts. As soon as the nitrite shot above 1, I changed 40 ltrs, when it hit 1.6, I changed just under half the tank (30 gallon tank).

Even when I did the (near enough) 50% change the nitrite was back up over 1 an hour after, should I have done another one immediatley after and keep repeating until it drops to under 0.25?


Yes, repeate every two hours or so, untill nitrite drops back to a safe level. Are any of these floating blobs attaching themselves to any of the fish?

All the best

Thanks Rabbut great advice, :good: I wasn't sure how much I could change in one day.

The blobs aren't on any of the fish, looking closer at some of the bigger ones, it appears that they aren't solid blobs but more like a mop head ( sorry only way I can describe them) It looks like they open and close leaving a gap in the middle.
They are possibly cartesean parasites. Interpet do a good med for them, but it can damage filter bacteria if overdosed,so use with care. If they do latch to fish, the only way to get them off, without killing the fish, is to pull them off with tweasers. They can be quite grusome. It is best to treat for them before this stage.

All the best

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