strange tiger behaviour


Nov 25, 2004
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ive currently got 8 tiger barbs in a 15g that ive had just under a month now; 6 small juvenile regular tigers and 2 older/bigger green tigers. the 2 green tigers have been exhibiting some strange behaviour - one fish will appear to tr to nip around the gills of the other, and they will then spin in circles facing each other, apparently locked mouth-to-mouth. this goes on for quite some time as well. They appear to be male and female, with one having red markings above its mouth and the other not. Also they school with the regular tigers, but dont display this behaviour with the smaller fish. Is this aggressive behaviour, or some sort of spawning behaviour?

Also as a further question, i have a 30(ish)g tank thats maturing at the moment; once cycled i was going to move the tigers into this and add some black ruby barbs - will they school with the tigers, or is it best to get enough black rubys to school amongst themselves? say 6 or so? rather than worry i should perhaps put some music on for them?? :D
As gwlee said its completely normal and harmless...Just a way for them to sort out the dominance/pecking order of the tank.After keeping a pack of tigers for awhile they will eventually stop doing this as they know the order of things.

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