Strange thing happening


New Member
Feb 9, 2004
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Please can someone help

All of a sudden one of my male guppies is doing something strange.

He seems to have jolt. I first saw him lying down at the bottom of the tank. I thought that he was dead. I was going to pick him up with the net. When I approached him with the net he suddenly swam away from the net??? And then all of a sudden stops and looks like he is dead????. It happened again as soon as I brought that net closer.

I can't see any sign of disease on him. Can someone please explain this to me
Hi Laura

I've checked the amonia level and its 0. Unfortunatly I don't have a nitrite test kit. I will be buying one on the morning though.

I've just done a 25% water change and will monitor it and see whats going on.

I'll keep you posted

All of my guppies appear dead when they sleep, and appear to be sick and/or dying for about an hour after they wake up. But then they are crazy active little fish for the rest of the day. Does he do it all day long?
Sadly ,he died.

Now a few days later I have another male guppy starting with the same problem. He seems to be paralised from his gills to his tail? He's side fins are going crazy trying to keep him afloat. Could this be some sort of internet infection ?
Now a few days later I have another male guppy starting with the same problem. He seems to be paralised from his gills to his tail? He's side fins are going crazy trying to keep him afloat. Could this be some sort of internet infection ?

Well I don't think it's an 'internet' infection. LOL It kind of sounds like something is wrong with your water parameters. I'd get them checked and start working on it fast.
oops LOL!!!

I meant internal infection, Sorry about that....... :lol:
What type of filtration do you have on this tank? How often and how much do you feed? How often do you perform a gravel cleaning? Water change? What percent of the water do you remove during the water change?

I have a Atman 3666 power filter running.
(contains substate,charcoal and filter floss)

I feed my fish only once a day. I only give them enough food to consume in 3 minutes.

I clean the gravel every two weeks.

I change 25% of the water once a week.
Were you able to get a nitrite/nitrate test kit? If so, what are the readings? How about a pH test as well?

Only at night, when they sleep, will guppies appear lethargic and just stay at the bottom and appear dead. Not during the daytime. When fish seclude themselves from other fish and appear lifeless is usually a bad sign.

Here's a site which dispays some disease symptoms and medications to take.

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