Please can someone help
All of a sudden one of my male guppies is doing something strange.
He seems to have jolt. I first saw him lying down at the bottom of the tank. I thought that he was dead. I was going to pick him up with the net. When I approached him with the net he suddenly swam away from the net??? And then all of a sudden stops and looks like he is dead. It happened again as soon as I brought that net closer.
I can't see any sign of disease on him. Can someone please explain this to me
All of a sudden one of my male guppies is doing something strange.
He seems to have jolt. I first saw him lying down at the bottom of the tank. I thought that he was dead. I was going to pick him up with the net. When I approached him with the net he suddenly swam away from the net??? And then all of a sudden stops and looks like he is dead. It happened again as soon as I brought that net closer.
I can't see any sign of disease on him. Can someone please explain this to me