There are numerous species of "BlueEyes" which come with a variety of often quite exotic sounding common names. Members of the Pseudomugilidae family, and in particular, Pseudomugil species. I wondered if you had seen these, or a Diamond-Head Neon when you posted, but your description was so off, I didn't comment.
If they are Pseudomugil sp. these are a pretty delicate fish that will not tolerate pollution. In good water, they are a peaceful fish which adapts to most foods, and is fairly easy to breed.
The Diamond-Head Neon, is basically a regular Neon with a fault in it's genetics whereby the regular "blue" line that normally extends the length of the body stops short. This fault was considered desirable by those that make such decisions, and actively bred for. I fail to understand this logic completely. DH Neons, due to intense inbreeding, are somewhat weaker then regular Neons, but have the same requirements.