Strange tank setup....

Oh btw the eclipse I bought about 3 weeks ago has a slightly curved front.
x Fish x said:
Mine has been running since July with much of the same water- yes, I tested, and changed water when necessary; every two to two and a half months.
Do you mean two to two and a half weeks? I felt guilty when I went 10 days without doing a pwc.
Well, I have a monster test kit (that is actually my dad's, but he doesn't need to know I steal it every weekend =)) and I test Drac's water every weekend, when I refill whatever has evaporated from his tank. It's only every two months or so that the nitrates begin to climb, so I change his water then.

It's quite strange, since all my other Bettas (even in filtered tanks) needed changes every month and a half. Yes, the kit is still working; the expiry date is sometime in 2005.
AlexsDaddy said:
I have a minibow 2.5. The filter flow is adjustable, but I didn't like the filter too much so I trashed it and got a duetto 50. The flow can be adjusted lower, and the out put can rotate so you can make it come out right into the glass if you want.
Thanks for the input-after reading your post I'm definitely going to get a mini bow 2.5. I might call petsmart and see if they carry them and if not I'll order now so that when I see some must-have bettas I'll have the tank already. :thumbs:
AlexsDaddy said:
No problem. I got the tank at wal-mart, but had to go to the lfs to get the duetto. Good luck with your future bettas!
How does that separator work in that minibow? Does it really protect the 2 bettas fromnipping at each other? :/
:dunno: Mine has the slots in the top frame for one, but didn't come with one. If others got one with theirs, maybe they just missed mine. :dunno: If you get one, and it doesn't have one, you could just go to lowes or home depot or any hardware store that sells and cuts plexiglass with the measurments of the tank (width and height at the middle of the tank) and have them cut you a piece of plexiglass, then use a brand new drill bit and drill (with extremely light pressure and slow speed so you don't crack it) a bunch of small holes (wouldn't go any larger than 1/4") in it to allow for water flow to/from the filter. A piece of plexi that small wouldn't cost that much. Put the gravel in after the divider though. That way there is no gaps in the bottom that they could sneak through.
I think ill stay away form the 2.5 bow front becuase the plexi glass your be hard to cut in that angle. I think I will have to postpone this buy becasue im getting a chinchilla!!! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: but 100 bucks for a chinchilla? ouchy! But will be worth it! :look:

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