I use the Canadian version of the original Explorer, called the Regent Starfish (don't ask me why there's a different company making the same thing, the address for returns and questions are the same for both) While I can't speak for the Explorer II, I can tell you about the original.
The entire thing has a slight bow, with the front being wider than the back. It's taller and thinner in proportion to a normal fish tank, but very well-constructed. The hood keeps itself down, and the filter is long and fits nicely under the hood, leaving two holes for cords to pass through; presumably for the filter and a heating apparatus, but I haven't found a way to fit one in yet. The opening for the tank is incredibly irritating; the bottom is textured and holds water up, while breaking up light, and the handle is just a wedge of plastic. It isn't connected, but it does keep things out of the tank, even if it is annoying. The filter input is on the left, and the output on the right. It is a pretty powerful flow, it batters my Betta straight down under it, but by placeing an ornament to break the flow it is a bit more forgiving. The filtration keeps the tank healthy. Mine has been running since July with much of the same water- yes, I tested, and changed water when necessary; every two to two and a half months. The pad is only now clogging and not filtering properly, and will soon (hopefully!) be replaced with a larger, better glass tank.
The new one has automatically attracted my attention, because it claims to have a light, the one thing the original really lacks.
I think I rambled. I hope it helps, though. This new one seems identical to the old, save for the lighting.