
New Member
May 17, 2003
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Oakland, California
I have just discovered a rather large and strange looking crab in my saltwater aquarium! I have no idea where this thing came from or how long it has been living in my tank, but I am very concerned that it might be linked to the slow disappearance of all my button pollyps. Does anybody know what kind of crab this might be? It's about the size of a half dollar and is red and white with a very bumpy and hairy shell.

Could anyone help me figure out what this thing is and where is might have come from? I'm worried that it might be harmful in some way.


(I have photos too, how can I post them on here?)

is this the crab your talknig about?
um... u say you have certain things disapearing so im guessing foe plus if you dont know where it came from it could be carrying things you dont want :eek:

I have NO idea of what it is though but i would get rid of it.. :fun: maybe take it to your LFS if they are trustworthy enough.. if not im sorry but i dont have a clue :whistle:

I would definatly not keep it unless you get a second opinion from someone else on this forum

Nutter :thumbs:
since it looks like the 1 i posted here goes

Anemone Crab

Neopetrolisthes ohshimai

The anemone crab is a small, colorful crab with a porcelain-like shell. Like the clownfish, this crab has developed an immunity to anemone stings. This crab is usually found within the stinging tentacles of a number of anemone species where it uses its large well-developed claws to keep clownfishes from stealing its home.

so im guessing if you have clownfish and some anemone i suggest removing that guy :X
I dont think it's an anenome crab, it looks similar but if you look you can easily see they are different. It also has hairs which I think it definitly makes it a non anenome crab. B)

To know what excatly it is though take it to your LFS and see what they say. Make sure though that they know their stuff. ;)
Looks to me like a Red Mythrix which is both beneficial and fairly rare. I've never seen one just like that, but other than the color it looks like an emerald crab to me.
So I am pretty sure that is what you have.

Then again, maybe not.

Sign up on reefcentral, and post the pic to Dr. Ron, he'll know!

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