Strange Problem, Need Help Please


New Member
Oct 27, 2006
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UK now Bulgaria
Hi all

I have been sent over here from the Livebearers section to see if someone can help. This was my message:

Our swordy, we have had for quite a while now, has developed a strange problem. She has become humpbacked which makes her belly appear sucked in and she stays at the bottom of the tank, still swimming but seems to wiggle. Now I know there is a serious problem here but all the websites I have been on, this doesn't seem to be a symptom of anything. Her skin has not changed, there is no loss of appetite, but I know she will die. One of our mollies died yesterday of the same thing. Again she was swimming but struggling and was still eating but now she's gone and not sure what this is. Skin was fine, gills were fine, just this humpbacked shape.

Has anyone heard of this? Please help.

Thank you in advance

Update: we went to the shop today but they had nothing on their shelves for parasites or anything like that. There is nothing wrong on the outside of the fish. A humpback and sucked in belly, looking at her today it looks like she is paralysed slightly, she doesn't seem to move as easily, back tail moving but looks more like a wiggle. She does eat though.
We really don't know what to do, we lost a molly the other night with the same thing. I have attached a couple of pics although they are not that clear.

Does anyone have any ideas? We are off to the larger city tomorrow to see if we can find anything there.

Thank you.


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Hi all

I have been sent over here from the Livebearers section to see if someone can help. This was my message:

Our swordy, we have had for quite a while now, has developed a strange problem. She has become humpbacked which makes her belly appear sucked in and she stays at the bottom of the tank, still swimming but seems to wiggle. Now I know there is a serious problem here but all the websites I have been on, this doesn't seem to be a symptom of anything. Her skin has not changed, there is no loss of appetite, but I know she will die. One of our mollies died yesterday of the same thing. Again she was swimming but struggling and was still eating but now she's gone and not sure what this is. Skin was fine, gills were fine, just this humpbacked shape.

Has anyone heard of this? Please help.

Thank you in advance

Update: we went to the shop today but they had nothing on their shelves for parasites or anything like that. There is nothing wrong on the outside of the fish. A humpback and sucked in belly, looking at her today it looks like she is paralysed slightly, she doesn't seem to move as easily, back tail moving but looks more like a wiggle. She does eat though.
We really don't know what to do, we lost a molly the other night with the same thing. I have attached a couple of pics although they are not that clear.

Does anyone have any ideas? We are off to the larger city tomorrow to see if we can find anything there.

Thank you.

Ok everyting your saying about the way shes having problems swiming points to possibly swim bladder disorder which basically makes the fish not be able to swim this is caused by over feeding in most cases they sometimes recover on own, feed alot less for now if you have any other questions ill try to answer
Humped back can be fish tb so issolate her.
Check her anus to see if its red and inflamed.
removing all the infected fish and puting them in another tank would be a good idea.
I have had a few fish, come up with curved backs. They seem to swim normally but their backs become curved. I had a zebra danio once have a really bad curve. He was almost a U shape pretty much. I would isolate them if you see it having problems or is not getting enough food.
sounds like fish tb to me.... careful when handling the tank... not sure what it does to humans, but i do know we can catch it.
I can't remember it's name, but it sounds like what danios usually get, its an internal parasite that makes the spine bent, if not treated they die.
I've read up on fish TB and although it sounds like the most likely, there are no other symptoms except for the bent spine.

Our swordy died this morning.

I have read that they can develop open sores, white blobs on the body, red poo, red bottom. No sores, no white blobs, red bottom very very slightly and no red poo. We are keeping an eye on the other fish but so far so good, although that can mean nothing. For all we know they could all be infected. Is it that contagious? Could all the other fish have this disease?

I did also read that the bent spine could be caused by age. Now we have had the fish approx. 6 months but they were already quite large when we got them (they haven't grown any since we got them) so who knows, they may have just been old.

I just have to hope and pray that these 2 deaths were not disease related, keep an eye on the others looking for symptoms. I really hope I see nothing. We have a beautiful young swordy we have had since birth and I would be gutted if we lost her, in fact I don't want to loose anymore.

Thank you so much everyone for your advice and help.
yes tb is contagious and if u don't remove the sick fish it is very likely that the other fish wil also get it if not already.

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