Strange Nicknames For Your Pets.

I have tons of Nicknames for my pets.

Cici gets called Poohbear, Sweetpea, the name for Female dog in Spanish (which I can't say since this is a family place).

Charlie is called Manboy, Barley boy, Buttlicker. (Well, he does lick his butt.)

Lily is called "The Princess Lily", the "Queen", Prissypants, other titles that denote royalty.

Lucy is called Pulgita which means "little flea" in Spanish. She is also called Piccina, Italian for "little one".

This is a fun thread.

llj :)
Ra my pittie/shepard mix is called Ra-Ra or Rastafar, Isis my sheltie mix is usually Icy or Icy-pup, Giorgio is either George or fat cat, and my bunny Fritz is called Fritzy, Snicklefritz or bun-bunny-bun...


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Sorry for the double post, had to show off a good picture of Fritzy :lol:


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His name was Sushi, but very often called him "mook mook" (absolutely no idea where on earth that came from. And no idea how to spell it, but that's what it sounded like).


:hyper: wow bloo he is one of the most stunning cats i've seen! he's gorgeous, lovely markings and what beautiful big blue eyes! :drool:
what breed is he?
This my, originally stray cat, whom we called Smudge


Nicknamed to Black Thing, cant really tell you why!!

This is Sophie


Nicknamed Sophie Fat Sponge cos when she was a baby she chewed up the neighbours brand new car washing sponge that he had been bragging about

This is Megan


Whose called Megan Minxlebury cos when she was a baby & being naughty i used to call her a minx, dont know how the bury got added on though!!!
Mittens just gets called Miss Mittens or Mits, not very imaginative.



Lu-Li gets called Lu-Li pumpkin or little one, however Lu-Li is a daft enough name in the first place, special prize to anyone who can work out where the name is from, no one has ever guessed it yet!

as a baby


and more recently


both of them get called madam when they're being naughty
Well "Li-lu" is from the Fifth Element. But, if I remember, from my favorite Olympic games, Barcelona (Super cool the whole arrow shooting into the torch and the horse events were amazing) Lu-li was a gold-medalist gymnist from China. Is that where her name is from?


EDIT: There's also a Luli Fama who's a Sports Illustrated model, but that would be more Ian's rational for naming a cat Lu-li than yours. I'm sure you don't spend your days keeping up with swimsuit models, and Ian probably doesn't either, since he's busy buying you diamonds, kittens, and ponies. :lol:

I'm a hopeless googler, but I actually did remember the Chinese Gymnist thing. It was a super big deal not having a gymnist from Russia, or the US win. I think she got like a 10 or something, but I don't remember the event.
Well "Li-lu" is from the Fifth Element. But, if I remember, from my favorite Olympic games, Barcelona (Super cool the whole arrow shooting into the torch and the horse events were amazing) Lu-li was a gold-medalist gymnist from China. Is that where her name is from?


Nope, although I have now learnt two new things today! :D

give you a clue, it's all together more silly. we couldn't decide on a name at first so spent a week or two trying different names out when we first got her, Ian started calling her Lu-Li as a joke and it just kind of stuck. :rolleyes:
Well "Li-lu" is from the Fifth Element. But, if I remember, from my favorite Olympic games, Barcelona (Super cool the whole arrow shooting into the torch and the horse events were amazing) Lu-li was a gold-medalist gymnist from China. Is that where her name is from?


Nope, although I have now learnt two new things today! :D

give you a clue, it's all together more silly. we couldn't decide on a name at first so spent a week or two trying different names out when we first got her, Ian started calling her Lu-Li as a joke and it just kind of stuck. :rolleyes:

Then my edit above might actually work, cause it's pretty silly. Have a read.
EDIT: There's also a Luli Fama who's a Sports Illustrated model, but that would be more Ian's rational for naming a cat Lu-li than yours. I'm sure you don't spend your days keeping up with swimsuit models, and Ian probably doesn't either, since he's busy buying you diamonds, kittens, and ponies. :lol:

I'm a hopeless googler, but I actually did remember the Chinese Gymnist thing. It was a super big deal not having a gymnist from Russia, or the US win. I think she got like a 10 or something, but I don't remember the event.


that's a big probably there, i wouldn't be so sure but never mind! :blush: :lol:

but nope it's not that either.

although i did get a new kitten from him the other day, she's very very small, very very cute and ummmmm plastic with felty stuff on :rolleyes: little phone charm thing! lol
Diesel (my avatar pic) gets deedsy, dee dee, and (think about it) richard cranium by my boyfriend.

Maya below gets, bear, little bear, professor piddle for obvious reasons.
Sky's called lots of things, most of them unrepeatable lol but her main ones are Skybie, or B*tchbag (because she is one - lovably so of course).

Badger, when we had him, was Bidger, Bodger or Bidger-Bodger-Badger-Bidgery-Bodgery-Boo. And it even had a song. Enough said, he's in a better home now :lol:
Haha I like this thread. I thought I was the only idiot who made up stupid nicknames for my animals! It's good to see that others are just as silly :rolleyes:. I've got lots of animals, so consequently there is a lot of weird name-calling in my house :lol:. Ok, so from the top...

Pedro my Giant Day Gecko (Phelsuma madagascariensis grandis). Nicknames: Peedz, Peedwoo.

Iggie my Desert Iguana (Dipsosaurus dorsalis). Nicknames: Igz, Iggums.

Mr. Chondrodactylus is a Giant Namibian Sand Gecko or Chondrodactylus angulifer angulifer, hence the name! His nickname is a variation of his actual name, what makes it a bit silly is the way I say it I guess. It's pronounced "Middah Chondrodactyleeeez".

My ferret Slinky, who was my absolute favourite ferret died a few months ago. He was a happy weasel though, so I'm not so sad any more. He had some good nicknames: Slink-a-pink, Slonk-a-ponk, Slanka, Slanka Panka, Slinka-weeez (as in weeezle!), Slinka-babe, Slinka-pants, Sexy Slinka-babe/pants/weeez, Mummy's Slonk.

Ben and Jerry are from the same litter and I've had them since they were tiny kitts. Ben gets called: Weezoo Ben, Weasle Ben, Wuzzoo Ben, Wazzoo Ben, Baby Weasel, Baby Weezoo, Wuzzoo Baby.
Jerry gets called: Weezoo Jerry, Weasle Jerry, Wuzzoo Jerry, Wazzoo Jerry, Baby Weasel, Baby Weezoo, Wuzzoo Baby, Wazzoo Jowy (lol... there's a theme here).

Moonshine was the first ferret I had as a baby, although he is actually now one of my oldest ferrets. But he gets called: Baby, The Baby, Bebyah, Bubyah, Byeh-Byeh, Wuzzoo Bebyeh.

Fry is a lunatic. He looks suspiciously like Ben and Jerry and from a distance you kinda have to strain to tell them all apart lol. He gets called: Weezoo Fry, Wuzzoo Fry, Weasel Fry.

It's Muddle! She's called Muddle because she is muddle-coloured. She's got the evil eye and is a bit of a brat, so she gets called: Moodz, Moody, Moodles, Muddoodle, Moody Woodles.

Beula (the silver one) and Posh (the little polecat-coloured one) live separately to my other ferrets because Muddle and Fry seem to have it in their heads that they'd quite like to kill Beula. So I don't mix them! Posh has a heart condition so I don't mix her with anyone except Beula because she's fragile and is also almost completely blind.
Beula gets called: Wuzzle Beula, Beuuuular (kinda more the *way* you say it).
Posh gets called: Poshy, Poshykins, Posh-E.

Now that the dozens of ferrets are over with we have Holly the Manchester Terrier. She's an old dog and is absolutely full of character. Because she's old she's had too many nicknames to remember. In recent years the nicknames have developed into: Foovles, Fyahvee, Foovie, Fyahvles, Peach, Little Peach, Little Doog.

Django (pronounced with a silent 'D') is a 3 year old whippet. He gets called: Djings, Djingy, Djangy, Djang-Djang, Djing-a-ling, Djang-a-lang, Djungs, Djungsy, Djungsy Babe, Whupput, Whupputty Djangs, Whupputty Djang the Man.

Aren't you glad that's over now?
Georgie is my 5 year old border collie. He gets called Porgie,Porge, mongrel, Loser, Fluffbutt, Fluff, Move stupid, Pooka, pups, pika, My little baby boy lots more some are mean but in a loving way! xx
LOL....I thought i was the only one that rearranged my animals names......
My staffordshire bull terrier ( max) gets called doodles !!!!!
My cat furby gets called The furbster or furb durb......and the chinchillas ( wallace and murron) are lolly bolly and uglies ha ahaaa.

LOL....I thought i was the only one that rearranged my animals names......
My staffordshire bull terrier ( max) gets called doodles !!!!!
My cat furby gets called The furbster or furb durb......and the chinchillas ( wallace and murron) are lolly bolly and uglies ha ahaaa.


LOL....I thought i was the only one that rearranged my animals names......
My staffordshire bull terrier ( max) gets called doodles !!!!!
My cat furby gets called The furbster or furb durb......and the chinchillas ( wallace and murron) are lolly bolly and uglies ha ahaaa.

LOL....I thought i was the only one that rearranged my animals names......
My staffordshire bull terrier ( max) gets called doodles !!!!!
My cat furby gets called The furbster or furb durb......and the chinchillas ( wallace and murron) are lolly bolly and uglies ha ahaaa.


LOL....I thought i was the only one that rearranged my animals names......
My staffordshire bull terrier ( max) gets called doodles !!!!!
My cat furby gets called The furbster or furb durb......and the chinchillas ( wallace and murron) are lolly bolly and uglies ha ahaaa.

LOL....I thought i was the only one that rearranged my animals names......
My staffordshire bull terrier ( max) gets called doodles !!!!!
My cat furby gets called The furbster or furb durb......and the chinchillas ( wallace and murron) are lolly bolly and uglies ha ahaaa.


LOL....I thought i was the only one that rearranged my animals names......
My staffordshire bull terrier ( max) gets called doodles !!!!!
My cat furby gets called The furbster or furb durb......and the chinchillas ( wallace and murron) are lolly bolly and uglies ha ahaaa.

LOL....I thought i was the only one that rearranged my animals names......
My staffordshire bull terrier ( max) gets called doodles !!!!!
My cat furby gets called The furbster or furb durb......and the chinchillas ( wallace and murron) are lolly bolly and uglies ha ahaaa.


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