Strange Issue With Discus Slime Coating


Fish Herder
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score

Water stats

240 litres heavy filteration bio and mechanical with bubble filters

Ammonia 0ppm
nitrate 10ppm
ntrite 0ppm

Tank results as expected as with new stock i do daily water changes.

These guys are hovering at the top of the tank and have what sems to be velvet, i treated for velvet with anti slime coat and velvet treatment and also increased temp above 30 degrees c as it was only at 28 due to them sharing the tank with agassiz dwarf cichlid the agassiz show no signs of ilness and infact flourished in the tank

So any ideas whats up with the discus no imrovement over the past couple of days and i now have thm isolated away from all other stock

Can you describe what you see on the fish please.
Velvet harder to get rid of than whitespot.
Just a quick update the fish have recovered and seem very happy now however their did seem to be a issue with one of them with white poop, but since worming the tank we havent seen this anymore.

Heres a little pic to show you the difference from the above pic they are alot healthier colourful and happy!


It looks like it was velvet but then went onto a bacteria infection as one or two them got cloudy eyes so after some large water changes a good week between medications i treated for bacteria and they are looking healthy
Bless them. Nice looking fish.
Glad to know there now back to normal.

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