Strange Id Please


Fish Fanatic
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Hi all! I tried doing a search of this and found is the description...

My son was playing in his sandbox this morning and there was some water in it from a rain we got a couple of days ago. He found in the water what I can only describe as a transparent caterpillar with a long whip-like tail a little bit longer than it's body. The body is about a quarter of an inch long. You can see it's insides, they are black. Any ideas??? In all my life I have never seen anything like this. I am in Ontario, Canada if the location helps.

Thanks! Jennifer.
wht not take it to a museum or zoo and ask them to identify it?
Maybe a caddisfly nymph?

Or Alderfly?

I bet it's a nymph of some kind. Troutnut probably has a photo somewhere. I've no idea what kind are around Canada this time of year. Actually, I don't even know what is kind are on my doorstep. :)

Thanks for the links, but they don't look like the wiggly thing my son found. I looked all thru the pics on the site, cannot find it. Whatever it is, it has a mouth that opens as big as it's body, and it is still clear looking but I can see its guts. It literally looks like a transparent caterpillar with a long whip tail.

wht not take it to a museum or zoo and ask them to identify it?

Thanks, but there isn't any in my area. Great suggestion tho!
Rat tailed maggot? :unsure:


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