Strange Heater...


Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Maine, USA
I bought a heater for my 2.5g betta tank I set up. I'm getting my Betta on Wednesday and the tanks allmost perfect. I went out and got a "Jr. Deluxe Heater" from a Wallmart near my house. It looked great it said on the package that it was for 2-5 gallon aquariums. So, when I go to put it in, I notice there's not temperature control... :blink: Yeah.... So the water went to 75 degrees ferengieght like I wanted it, and I just checked and now its up to about 77 degrees. :S What am I supposed to do? Has anyone ever had a heater like this?
I say junk it, how will you keep the temp from going to high :blink: I use incandescent lamps for small tanks, they heat the water pretty good, but the algae may go on a rampage -_- Are you sure their is nothing to control the heater with? Do you have any pics? :)
Here it is:
Yeah it is very weird.... any suggestions on how to heat my 2.5? My Bettta will be here tommarow! :X
How warm is the room? It shouldn't be too bad if you are lving in a house. Bettas are very adaptable, and can take temps from 72 degrees, and up to a bit more than 80 :) I would assume that you are keeping this tank in your house, which would probably be around 70, and If the tank has a light (or a lamp over it), it should be a bit warmer :) I keep all my tanks in one room, so the temp never goes down too far, and I dont use heaters on my 10s or 5s :D
The thermometer read about 70-72 degrees today. I just ordered a 25 watt heater online so, I'll heat it to about 78 when I get it. Thanks for the help! :D

EDIT: Oh yeah, my Betta didn't come in so, I have time to get the heater installed. He should be here in about a week.

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