Strange Guppy Disease


Fish Herder
May 10, 2004
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Hi there,

My female guppy just gave birth to a few fry about a week ago, and since hten i noticed something very strange about her. Her rear end (where hte fry came out, and where she poops) is now all red and looks like it has bloody red spikes sticking out, on good days she looks almost okay but randomly it'd seem like her condition got worse.

She's not lethargic or anything, acts perfectly normal otherwise, shoudl i be worried at all?

I thought it had something to do with her giving birth but the strange thing is i see simliar symptoms in my male guppy...not to such a severe degree (it's not as red) but seems to be related,

Any hints?

they both still have appetite and are actively eating, she's nto really losing weight, other htan her stomach is all flat now cuz she gave birth...
it sounds like the same thing mine has i think it was called camelanus or something similar,i bought worming powder and it has cleared up now.try doing a search on here for it
melanie :)
hi, thanks al ot i think that is what she has, can you give me the exact name of hte medicine that you use dand i'll try ot find it at my LFS?

Is this a very serious illness? Do you know if it's contagious to other fihs as well and if it's life threatening at all?

Thanks, will go do some more research now
its called wormer plus.not sure what you can get in the US.basically the worm feeds off the intestines you cannot pull them out as they attach to the intestines,do a search for camelanus on this forum or on the net for full details
ps it is contagious
I had that with both my female guppy and molly. I posted a topic on here but no one had heard of it before, they both died shortly after. I'll remember that wormer plus for next time :)
my female guppy didtn' amke it =( but now i know my male guppy also has it, and potentially everything else that's in my tank....i bought some of this medicine (not the exact brand you were talking about) but a medicine for internal parasites, it hasn't really done much i started treatment about 3 days ago...

I've had to remove the filter in order for the medicine to work so now my tank water is all foggy and gross, should i do a water change? :crazy:

Worse case scenario...if the male guppy dies also, should i just take everything th'tas alive outof my tank and do a 100% water change and scrub everything down? Woudl that finally take care of the crazy worms??? :crazy:

I searched camelanus on the forum but couldtn' find anything...was it spelt another way? I looked it up on the net also but coudlnt' find much info about the parasite itself...

would adding aqaurium salt be helpful?
the water goes foggy for a few hours anyway with wormer plus might be spelt camellanus not sure,normal parasite meds didnt work for mine is classed as endo-parasite i think ie internal.mine are all doing fine now i found some advertised on ebay.but it took 2 full doses to clear it

Yeah so it's camellanus, i did some mores serch and found som emore info, apparently LEVAMISOLE HYDROCHLORIDE is very effective on them, usually found in bird/pig wormer, but the big question is now WHERE am i going to find this product?

I have a feeling i wont' be able to find them in your typical petstores....

Does anyone know if an online site that sells them???

Thanks again!
cant remember online store name,but as i say try ebay for "wormer plus" or search web for it
The correct spelling is Camallanus. My guppies had it too, a couple of years ago. Levamisole is I think the best treatment. I don't know about Canada but in the UK you can get it from a pharmacist or a vet only - it's sold as a cattle or sheep drench or wormer.

There are other anti-internal parasite treatments - have a look at this topic.

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