I think the red one is female. Unless it's a weird guppy male with transparent belly area...
The fish in your pic is a guppy. its hard to tell from your pic what sex.
its bodu shape indicates male. so does its colouring but i cant see its anal fin and it hasnt got much of a tail. it doesnt look pregnant to me though. i think its qot reall issues and unless you can take a closer pic i would consider euthinasing him/her as that bulge is not normal and it must be suffering
Show a picture that clearly shows the fin under it, the fin still seems to be fan-shaped from this angle, but not sure.http://s1165.photobucket.com/albums...7373_100000630256493_1220032_2110989248_n.jpg
It is now floating at the top of the tank but still swimming around and breathing and the others are still keeping around it. Is this normal for his/her breed to do or is it typical behaviour for a pregnant female?
It looks like a male anal fin but my nan got a fighter fish and it attacked a couple of my other guppies so i don't know whether it could have just ripped its fin because it ripped on of the others.
Maybe that's what's happening to that fish?helterskelter50 on Jan 16, 2008
This Guppy was given to me as it was unknown what was happening, this is a young fish at around 2.5cm long. It's the size and colouration of a female guppy but it then started to develop a gonopodium (male breeding organ).
This fish was also getting fatter and fatter. Sadly a week after getting this clip it died. I did a little autopsy on it and it was full of fry!!!!!
Although i could not see any testes on the fish but it had decomposed a little first.
Yeah, I've been following that thread.It could be. There was a person on the forum who recently had a fish who was getting bigger and bigger for months. Finally, they decided to put it out of its misery, and was just about to when they saw that it was having fry! It ended up having 70+ and the story ended happily.That could very well be what's happening with yours.