Strange Growth?


New Member
Jun 16, 2009
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Okay so about a month ago I bought some fish off my brothers girlfriend who were moving interstate and couldn't take them with them(lol charging family for fish they would've had to get rid of if no-one else would take them) not the issue, anyways out of al the fish there's one I'm concerned about, the bristlenose catfish, he/she is about 3inches not sure how old he/she is, but a while ago probably three or four months I asked her about this strange growth on the catfish's head, before I even brought them, and she tried to tell me it's just the bristle growths of a male catfish, so I wasn't concerned about it but lately nothing else has grown and this white growth has seemed to gotten bigger and its sort of close to his right eye so now I've become concerned especially after looking up what male bristlenose catfish are supposed to look like and this growth just isn't meant to be there my guess.

Sorry if the pictures are too big or whatever or if this is in the wrong section I just wanna know whats up with my fish and if there's anything I can do to fix it or if it's normal, the pictures are blurry but it shows where the growth is.

Any suggestions would be great.Only way to take clearer photo's would be to remove him from the tank which I'm not sure if I wanna do that.

im not sure what that growth is but it is'nt growth of the bristle's lol
i would take it down to your pet shop and get it checked out.
never kept these before but that doesn't look normal to me. Try posting it in the Emergency Section Great member there called Wilder who'll be able to help you out

Good Luck :D

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