Fish Crazy
Hi everyone,
My male swordtail, as I've noticed just today, has got a strange growth on his right side, above his eye near the gill. It looks like a lesion, or something, and I have never come across a description of it anywhere before. It's a small bump, not discoloured or anything, about the size of his eye. It rises about 1 mm off of his side, but doesn't seem to affect swimming.
He hasn't shown any symptoms of bad condition, swims around as usual, and even flirts with his ladies as usual. His appetite does not seem to have been affected, as he's as frisky as ever when it's feeding time.
I haven't got water parameters of the current situation, but it's been perfect for a time and I have no reason to believe differently. No new fish have been added recently, and I did a 20% water change yesterday (Sunday).
I think it may be a wound or something, but I don't really know any fish that could have caused it. The only other male is a platy, and he is smaller than the sword. Could have been a cory, but they're so docile I don't really think so. Maybe one of the female swordtails bit him, that seems to be what I would think the most probable.
If anyone has seen a bump like the one I described and knows what it is, and more importantly what to do about it, I would be very appreciative. Thanks in advance.
My male swordtail, as I've noticed just today, has got a strange growth on his right side, above his eye near the gill. It looks like a lesion, or something, and I have never come across a description of it anywhere before. It's a small bump, not discoloured or anything, about the size of his eye. It rises about 1 mm off of his side, but doesn't seem to affect swimming.
He hasn't shown any symptoms of bad condition, swims around as usual, and even flirts with his ladies as usual. His appetite does not seem to have been affected, as he's as frisky as ever when it's feeding time.
I haven't got water parameters of the current situation, but it's been perfect for a time and I have no reason to believe differently. No new fish have been added recently, and I did a 20% water change yesterday (Sunday).
I think it may be a wound or something, but I don't really know any fish that could have caused it. The only other male is a platy, and he is smaller than the sword. Could have been a cory, but they're so docile I don't really think so. Maybe one of the female swordtails bit him, that seems to be what I would think the most probable.
If anyone has seen a bump like the one I described and knows what it is, and more importantly what to do about it, I would be very appreciative. Thanks in advance.