Strange Furry Like Substance


New Member
Mar 5, 2009
Reaction score
King's Lynn
Don't know if this should be here or in the plant section.

I have noticed today a strange furry like substance on 1 of my plants, I have seen a fungus on fish which looks the same [ sorry, thats the best I can do to describe it ] it goes up the stem and onto the leaves.
Is this a fungus? or something else.

I just have neons, Platies & catfish in the tank.
Is this a relatively new set up? If so, it can be quite normal to see fungus growing on plastic plants and rocks and wood. Just scrub it off, it shouldnt harm the fish.
Is this a relatively new set up? If so, it can be quite normal to see fungus growing on plastic plants and rocks and wood. Just scrub it off, it shouldnt harm the fish.

The tank has had fish & plants in for about 3 weeks, this what looks like fungus is on a live plant. All of the plants are live.
Should I treat this with some sort of fungal stuff or is it safe to leave?
Sounds like it could be an algae then if its on a live plant.
I had it on bogwood, kept scrubbing it and it kept coming back, was told to just leave it and it will die, 2 weeks later thats wot happened.
the other possibility is that there is to much food being uneaten do not feed for a few days this has been noted on many posts
the other possibility is that there is to much food being uneaten do not feed for a few days this has been noted on many posts

I feed them very little food but I do notice normally the fish don't come directly to feed, possibly because they have only been in the tank a couple of weeks. I will give it a go.
Thanks, all suggestions are welcome & worth trying.

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