Strange Eggs... Or Somethingelse?

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View attachment 44771

1 of the male... (He hates the camera!)
View attachment 44772

That is it for now.

There have been a few eggs in each tank, but they have all been eaten before I could get to them. They are only doing 2 or 3 at a time right now.

I know the tanks aren't beautiful, but I am using the old tacky beginner stuff to save money. These tanks don't run all of the time. I can't see spending a lot on them.

Let me know what you think after you work your way through all the pics.

I bet y'all wish y'all hadn't taught me how to use a camera now... :rofl:
I just checked again... no more eggs.

I think the albinos are still getting used to the new digs.
The elegans are swimming around though... They may be thinking about it.

I will be gone some today. I have to help my sister move. In fact... I have got to get going!

I will check them, and post when I get back.
very nice tanks and fish.

I am notoriopusly bad at iding fish pics, so I will bow out on that. There are those on board who should do well with those pics. Neither of your males like the camera. :lol:
I hope the right people do come look. I don't want them to be the only 2, but I also don't want to end up with 10 different kinds before I get the right ones.

They are hanging around together now that they are in the tank alone, but no signs of spawning yet.

The elegans are flirting like crazy! I don't see any eggs yet, but they are nudging each other and going all over the tank with their noses together on the glass. He is trying very hard to keep up with her. I think I am going to have eggs in that tank soon. I hope I get to collect some of them.

The other eggs have still not hatched. Shouldn't they have hatched by now?

Every kind I have... it is the males that are hardest to get pics of. :rolleyes:

Thanks :good:
I think it takes 3-4 days normally. M to lay on a Sat. and the eggs start hatching by Tues and Wed. The tank temp may affect how long it takes to hatch though. With the albinos I have no idea . The only ones I can name are aeneus, peppers, and sterbi (sp.). Still too much of a cory noobi to tell most of the species apart.
Like I said, ICEEGRL, post in the other place to get an ID. I have no idea why the good IDers on TFF don't give it a shot.

madmom: Albinos are either sterbai, bronze or pepper.
I was under the impression that there albino forms of most of them. :blush:
With only 3 kinds that should make it a lot easier. I was still hunting pics of the other kinds. I guess that is why I wasn't finding them. :lol:

Sometimes the simple info (like there are only 3 kinds) is the stuff people like me really need to be told! :lol:

None of the eggs are hatching, and they are not laying any more. I don't think they are happy being alone. I need a few more of each kind. The problem is finding the right kind. I am working on it though.

I am going to work on the other post as soon as I get a chance.

Thanks :good:
Like I said, ICEEGRL, post in the other place to get an ID. I have no idea why the good IDers on TFF don't give it a shot.

madmom: Albinos are either sterbai, bronze or pepper.
Hi. Don't forget albino Pandas and C. venezulanus. There have been a few others, too. S. barbatus, I'm sure of. - Frank


  • c_venezuelanus_al_f_1a_lq.jpg
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I thought venezulanas was a variety of aeneus.

Well, Frank, you are not heloing at all! Tell us what she got! I can't imagine why anyone would want albino pandas. :blink:

So now I get to :blush: cause I have not heard of anyone having any albinos but those three.
I thought venezulanas was a variety of aeneus.
Hi. Although considered an aeneus "type," this fish is recognized as a true separate specie. This is one of those instances where the hobbyists are one-step ahead of the scientific community.
Well, Frank, you are not heloing at all! Tell us what she got!
All I see in the photos are albino C. aeneus and what could be C. elegans.
I can't imagine why anyone would want albino pandas. :blink:
I'm very partial to albinos. I'd love some.
So now I get to :blush: cause I have not heard of anyone having any albinos but those three.
Albinism is very common in most specie of fish. They have a few things working against them, so they rarely, if ever survive in the wild. It is believed they have extemely poor eye sight, especially for the first few days, because of their coloration they stick out like a sore-thumb to predators and it is also believed that they are a genetically weaker fish. Hope this helps. - Frank
Thanks for the correction jollysue. I had meant to write bronze aeneus but got distracted by my daughter and left the word bronze out. lol
Thanks everyone!
If all Coryologist sees is c. aeneus and c. elegans... Then we know what I have!
Now tell me if the albino and regular form of c. aeneus need 6 of each, or can it be like 3 of each.
I have 3 of the regular form in the other tank. Should I move them in with these? Does the difference matter to the fish? I will have to find some males. This puts me up to 4 females and 1 male.

I am going to call my pet shop on Tuesday and order some elegans and bronze/albino. I am also ordering some ottos. I just have to figure out how many I will need to get. I have him looking for albino (or panda) kuhlii loaches right now. Once I get all of these fish, I have to work on the delphax. Another store gave me these instead of what I asked for, and I wasn't paying attention to what they put in the bag. I had 3, but now I can only find 2. There is another kind that I got that looks like the elegans male, but isn't. I got that one by my bad ID. I guess I will have to get it some friends too. That is 2 kinds that I had not intended to get.

I also want some trili and julii and atleast one long fin variety. Is there a long fin variety of the trili or julii? That would be really cool! There are so many different kinds. If I could, I would have them all.

Does it take the males as long to mature for breeding as it does for females?

I need to build (or find) a unit that will hold several shallow tanks. I already have the info on how to build the tanks. I just have to find the best dimentions. What would be the best height for a cory tank? If I could manage to do it, that would allow me to have more tanks and more kinds of corys!!! :drool:

I have to finish getting my order list together for my other stuff too. I need more substrate and plants and stuff for my new tank and the one I am supposed to be getting in July. So much to do... I love getting fish and fish stuff though. :D

Thanks :good:
Frank, post #31 has pics of the ones she has decided are elagans and maybe the unID'd one that looks a little like my simulatus.
haha I stand rebuked. You may continue to enjoy the albino pandas! :rolleyes:

ICEEGRL, I have my LF regular peppers and my albino LF peppers in the same tank. I get both albinos and regular in the spawns. Don't know how often the regular and albino spawn together. So far the fry are overwhelmingly albino, but there are more of them, and they have been spawning longer.
As I told you I would be willing to send you a small group of LF. I have 5 right now of the albinos that are mature enough. I think there is a lady. Once verified, you may have them for $5 apiece + shipping. If the regulars get busier, I could do the same with some regular. It would be to your advantage to wait a bit until this present group gets bigger and I can give you some of the ones just growing out. A small box sent USPS overnight shouldn't be too much. I have had some trouble with the LF aneus getting fungus on their long fins. So they are not ready to be giving available fry. I may have to put them in a small tank of their own.

madmom, you are gracious.
Albino peppers would be great. Price is also fine. Waiting isn't a problem. I'm not in a hurry. How many would I probably need to get? By them being peppers they should feel at home. I have 7 adults and 33 fry of the regulars. If all goes well maybe later I can get some of the other ones too. I am excited about the albinos though.
I like all kinds of corys, but I love the white ones and the black ones, and all of the long fin versions.
It would be really cool if there were a long fin version of the black aeneus and the trilli too.

I got to get my stuff done so I will have a few hours tonight for more research. I am working on a reference book with pictures and facts so I will know what I am doing when I start shopping again. I have to do that really soon. I need a lot of stuff again, and I have to finish setting up my newest tank. I usually end up coming home with a new fish because I can't seem to go to the aquarium store and get just what I went after. At least with my book I will know what I am getting and what it's needs are.

I hope noone on here minds if I borrow a few of their pics. There are some very good pics on here. They are quite good for IDs when shopping. So many people in the pet shops have no idea what they are selling. I have listened to a lot of them in the past and made some bad purchases. I am trying to be smarter now.

I will be back on here tonight.

Thanks :good:

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