Thanks everyone!
If all Coryologist sees is c. aeneus and c. elegans... Then we know what I have!
Now tell me if the albino and regular form of c. aeneus need 6 of each, or can it be like 3 of each.
I have 3 of the regular form in the other tank. Should I move them in with these? Does the difference matter to the fish? I will have to find some males. This puts me up to 4 females and 1 male.
I am going to call my pet shop on Tuesday and order some elegans and bronze/albino. I am also ordering some ottos. I just have to figure out how many I will need to get. I have him looking for albino (or panda) kuhlii loaches right now. Once I get all of these fish, I have to work on the delphax. Another store gave me these instead of what I asked for, and I wasn't paying attention to what they put in the bag. I had 3, but now I can only find 2. There is another kind that I got that looks like the elegans male, but isn't. I got that one by my bad ID. I guess I will have to get it some friends too. That is 2 kinds that I had not intended to get.
I also want some trili and julii and atleast one long fin variety. Is there a long fin variety of the trili or julii? That would be really cool! There are so many different kinds. If I could, I would have them all.
Does it take the males as long to mature for breeding as it does for females?
I need to build (or find) a unit that will hold several shallow tanks. I already have the info on how to build the tanks. I just have to find the best dimentions. What would be the best height for a cory tank? If I could manage to do it, that would allow me to have more tanks and more kinds of corys!!!
I have to finish getting my order list together for my other stuff too. I need more substrate and plants and stuff for my new tank and the one I am supposed to be getting in July. So much to do... I love getting fish and fish stuff though.