Strange Buglike Creature

Ah, well, I suppose there's a distinct possibility that it could eat fry, I'd imagine they'd be small enough, but, the wee creepy crawly would have to be pretty on the ball to catch one, surely.
Nature does have an excellent method of sorting the strongest from the weakest, hmm?
I agree, fry could be come prey. If you have another small tank or even bowl you could remove it and keep it until adulthood in there so it's better safe than sorry.
Unfortunately I do not have any other tanks :(
It looks like it could climb out of a breeding net. :/
I guess that depends on if the creature leaves the water at all. If not then the net can be set so the top is out of the water. If so...yup, it will roam.
eaglesaquarium said:
It looks like it could climb out of a breeding net.
I sort of meant for the fry rather than the creepy crawly! However, that's still a good point, it could find its way in and it would have a field day...unless an enclosed trap is available... 
"fish in a barrel" ;)
:) That works too. Funny, I didn't eaven think about the fry net for the actual fry.
Me either...

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