strange behavoir


Fish Crazy
Aug 4, 2004
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I have had my new 33 gallon up for a few weeks now, all the perameters are fine, and the only big problem i can see is that I am running two aquaclear mini's off the tank. BUT heres the wierd thing the fish I have, tiger barbs and mollies and sometimes the cory's are running into the wood in the tank and seem to be scraping up against it, in a quick flicking motion, anyone ever see this before? They seem to be fine otherwise, it jsut seems strange.

Fish will do that from time to time but if they are doing it often then i think you might have a problem. It is sometimes called Flashing or Itching and it can be treated easily.
How might you treat that??

Also, figure i'd ask instead of adding another post, i have snails, how do i kill em? Is there a fish that'll do it or is there a solution?

Thanks for the help thus far!
Ask your lfs for some medication for it, Its normally caused by parasites so there are lots of different meds for it.

Regarding your snails....There is also lots of meds to get rid of snails.
Clownloaches love eating snails so they would be gone in no time.

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