So I lost the other baby peppered and now one of the elderly peppered looks like she's dying
I'm really not sure if this is a bacterial infection any more, as the meds don't seem to be doing anything. Albinos and the adolfoi are fine, the baby bronze is okayish but is starting to look like it has ragged fins. Still no other fish showing symptoms.
I've medicated with bacterial meds at full dose, but I'm wondering if I should try a different tacit and use a fin rot and fungus treatment instead
The peppered have lost all their barbels now and are just in such an awful condition that I'm considering euthanizing them. One of them certainly seems to be loosing the battle, can barely swim, is on it's side a lot and has red sores on its face where the barbels should be. But when I go to pick it up with the net it makes an effort to swim
I don't know whether to put both the peppered in a floating hospital tank and let nature take its course, or to euthanise the worst one and try to save the other (which is still active and swimming around).
I just feel so awful that I've not been able to help my peppers.
EDIT: I've managed to get a picture of the worst effected cory- You can see in the picture how that cotton thread stuff has spread and built up over the fins and the sores on her face
Please excuse the hair algae on the anubias.