Strange Behaviour


New Member
Aug 16, 2009
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North East, UK
Recently whilst watching my Blue Acara (3 inch) and Rokteil Sev (7 inch) i have noticed that the Blue Acara has been swimming upright infront of the Sev. There is no sign of aggresion. What is it doing? I hope this isnt a developing problem :S
What do you mean "upright infront"? Do you mean he stay close to the severum and kind of cuts him off when swimming? Could be the acara trying to bully the severum with out fighting. The acara might just be showing off how big he is. If they are not fighting and are getting along don't worry about it. Cichlids are funny and talk to eachother with body movments.
It just sort of swims infront of the Sev, and then points its tail down and head up as if it were walking on its caudal fin, and hovers there. If the sev moves forward, the acara moves back. I realise im not describing it well.
Mine do this all the time, either head up or head down etc, it's just posturing, so long as no actual attacking take place it's fine! It's probably a good thing that your fish are postering like this, it means they are willing to figure out who is boss without any nasty aggression.
Agree sounds like normal cichlid Behaviour to me. They are just working out who's bossy in a nice way. My Ebjd will do this to my true parrot they have had little fights before but now the ebjd just shows off every now and then it's fine. The other fish just says yeah ok your tough let me by thanks.
Ive noticed my cichlids do that from time to time, tail down with clamped fins in front of another cichlid, as a sign of submission. Of course in doing this position they are displaying their soft under belly, the same way a dog submits by rolling on its back.
Ive noticed my cichlids do that from time to time, tail down with clamped fins in front of another cichlid, as a sign of submission. Of course in doing this position they are displaying their soft under belly, the same way a dog submits by rolling on its back.

Makes sense

So if done the other way with head low and tail high it's the opposite?
Makes sense

So if done the other way with head low and tail high it's the opposite?

Only if the fins are errect id say yes. Its so fascinating watching the body language of cichlids

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