Strange Behavior


New Member
Nov 15, 2006
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New York
Ok I have been noticing some strange behavior with my fish, I have platies and guppies. I have my tank directly next to and behibd my office desk. When I first go to sit at my desk the fish stay mostly to the right side of the tank, which is closest to my desk, if I get up and walk to the other side of the room them seem to huddle on the left side of the tank for a while. Am I nuts or can fish actually recognize their caretaker and "look" for them. I know this seems strange but they do this all the time. Even if I sit on the left side of the tank they all move over to that side.
gluttony... thats it. (Most likely anyways) Doesnt matter if you just fed them, they always flock when they see someone coming cuz they want more food. Mine do it too.
Yep-mollies and platys always hungry-never give in-be strong my friend and resist the temptation to feed them-cheeky buggers-mine swarm near to anyone venturing near the tank for a look :)

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