Stowaway Fry From A Live Plant

Hey folks! I got some pics now.  They are still in the breeder net unfortunately due to a pile up of demand for my quarantine tank(s).  Long story.
Fret not, they will be in a 5.5 gallon very soon!  Total fry in the net at the moment is 29.  There the stowaway, and a mix of guppy fry from two moms.  You can differentiate the cousin fry from each other by their sizes.  They were born about one and half weeks apart.  Not sure if it will come out in the pics I took.  Again, sorry for the breeder net in the pics.
Close up of the stowaway, 细细粒!  He's grow quite differently than the guppies!  *whisper* I think he knows he isn't a guppy...  Can anyone ID him yet?

By the way, I think this shot has his mouth open.  He doesn't normally look like that.  :dunno:
FTS of just the breeder net in a 20 gallon.  Can you see 细细粒's head on shot?  :)

You can see how different the shape of the guppies are from 细细粒.
细细粒 means "little grain of rice" in chinese, but clearly, 细细粒 is the biggest grain of rice in there!
How sweet! They are so tiny when they are born but they grow so quickly!
They do!  They love the baby brine shrimp and I think it helps them grow alot.
Wow, 细细粒 is getting big!

Not a clue what he is yet mind....
Oh gosh this thread has got me so excited to find out what it is!
A Molly? My dad's just gave birth and they have their orange colour straight away :) either way its still cute :)
Hey folks!
I just moved 细细粒 and his buddies to my 5.5 gallon tank!
Anyway, I thought I'd post the good pics of him/her that I took here.  I still can't ID him.  Does anyone have ideas?



He's the biggest fry in that tank!
I made a thread with pics of all the other fry and a video of the tank.
Here's the thread. :)
Well I see a baby platy but that's all I'm used to so may be seeing what I know rather than what it is. Sorry that's not very helpful is it?
Hope someone can give a definitive answer.
Mamashack said:
Well I see a baby platy but that's all I'm used to so may be seeing what I know rather than what it is. Sorry that's not very helpful is it?
Hope someone can give a definitive answer.
Yea, no sense in rushing to ID him/her.  Meanwhile, have some new pics!

"He doesn't look like me..."

"I'm hungry!"
Maybe he's a swan or an ugly duckling!
Sorry - bizarre sense of humour at the moment - put it down to sleep deprivation! lol

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