

Fish Aficionado
Jan 13, 2010
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Have any of you ever written or began to write a story?
i started with this last night.


She watched helplessly as the falcon swooped in on the unsuspecting swift. Meredith wished she could have done something to help the swift. If she had been able to do something though, what would it be and would she have done it? She slowly walked back to her car to go home. Since she had come to live in Alaska, everything seemed to eat everything else! "Why?!" she complained to herself as she got in her Jeep. Tomorrow was her first day at the local high school and she hoped the people were nicer than the birds! When she got home she complained to her mum that everything was cannibalistic except the plant's. "C'est la vie" were her mums only words as she cooked dinner. Meredith and her mum had moved to Alaska from Paris, France. They didn't speak much English but they were learning.

'WOW! I hope the new girl is easy to make friends with!' Amelia wondered idly. Amelia was used to getting everything she wanted! So when she saw Meredith get out of her Jeep, she new she had to make friends with her. Then she saw Riley, he was new to town as well. As soon as she noticed him, she changed her mind. She didn't want the new girl, she wanted the new boy! She didn't want to be just friends with Riley though, she wanted to go further! She walked up to him with the word elegant screaming from her every step. She gently flipped her golden hair over her left shoulder and started talking. Suddenly without warning, he turned and walked towards the registry office. She was disappointed that he didn't say good bye first but she knew he had to register, but so did the new girl. She was instantly jealous of her! She now saw her as a foe, a threat! Riley showed no interest though in her though, maybe Amelia was over-reacting? Clearly he didn't like her so what was wrong?

So far so good! She wasn't the only new person, which was reassuring. Who was the golden haired girl that kept staring at her? She figured she would find out later as the new boy was walking towards her. "Hi" he announced, "Hi" Meredith replied. "I'm Riley" Was the next line out of his mouth, "I'm Meredith, nice to meet you Riley!" Meredith felt like a ventriloquists puppet! She didn't normally reply so freely!

This is as far as i got before i fell asleep with book and pen in hand.
Please tell me what you think... I know it's not very good but i was bored and i had just drawn a peregrine falcon that was eating a smaller bird, when this popped into my head!

Alessa x.
Not bad. Keep going and see where the story goes. Then go back to the start and edit. Keep practicing. The important bit is just to finish.

I used to write a few stories but haven't done in a while (maybe 14-15 years) and being that young they weren't very good. Except they weren't always for books. I wrote a video game story once, drew out the map and a couple of locations too.
Nice. Yeah i would have carried on going but i fell asleep :lol:

Alessa x.

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