Stop the cruelty please

csr mel said:
imo, if bettas can live forever in petsmart 6 ounce plastic cups then whats the big deal here?
Just because they can live like this, doesn't mean that they should

As I've said before on another post somewhere, you can keep a dog in a garden shed for it's whole life, but just because it will survive like that doesn't mean it's the correct way of keeping a dog.
I agree that the petition will do nothing but i signed it to support my friends who started this thing off. I will write to the company and i hope some of you will to. I can understand everyones point of view on teh matter and aprreciate that we have different views otherwise we would all be mindless zombies lol Good luck trying to scam them with that tank smashing thing :)

Thankyou for your opinions and support

James ;)
AquaBabies contains hardy fish species that are grown specially for small aquariums and live comfortably from 60-85o F. If properly cared for, cleaning is seldom necessary. (3-4 times a year)

What the hell is that??? 3-4 times a year??? Grown specially for small aquariums???

Phantom Thief said:
Grown specially for small aquariums???
lol, that makes me laugh too. Millions of years of evolution and some guy in a suit claims these fish were made for such tiny aquaria.

No fish was "grown" to live in such conditions.
Oh man i hate Aqua Babies... my little sister's friend actually had one before, i felt soo sorry for those two pretty zebra danios :-(
so i gave her one of my 1 gal. and FORCED her to put them in it instead of that ultra small thing piece of crud :D

Some things are so horrible and i wish that it could be changed by an online petition but the best thing is to just raise the awareness on thses bad things, becuz if i ever see one of these things again, there will surely be a long and angry lecture following it.... :whistle:
csr mel said:
i dont think its so bad. the tanks are 1/4 gallon. actrually they are more than 1/4 gallon but because of the rocks and such a 1/4 gallon water volume is whats left.

imo, if bettas can live forever in petsmart 6 ounce plastic cups then whats the big deal here?
Actually, they are not 1/4 gallon (1 quart or 4 cups) of water, they are much smaller. :X

Bettas cannot live forever in 6 oz cups. :no: If they are not taken out and the water replaced, they will very quickly become ill and die.

The situation is very bad and these little tanks are horrors. The fish are stunted and live short miserable lives.

Here's a link with some more information about them:

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