
Smily this!
Apr 21, 2004
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Melbourne Australia.
Would you do this for a living?


  • QuitComplainingAboutYourJob.jpg
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Forget the workers, what about the cameraman above them :no:

If I stare at that pic I start to get dizzy :sick:

Gis a job! go on gis, I can do that! gis a job mate.
I wouldn't be able to work like that... I'm afraid of falling :(

I don't mind it if there's something stable under my feet or there's no wind blowing at the same time. I like being in a compartment at all times when it comes to heights. Is that odd?

Example: I love flying in planes, but hate the ferris wheel.
Puffer_freak said:
Looks fun...I wan't that job! I reckons the pays highj!
yeah, its called "hazard pay"....

i may complain about my job and my salary some days, but i much prefer to have both feet on the solid ground sitting at my desk thank you very much :p :lol:
They're only a few feet up :D

There's nooooo way you'd get me up there. I wouldn't like it much if I was on the other side of the window :crazy:

Nah, they've got harnesses. They're fine!

I have a friend that works on/services/paints communication towers for a living. He says harness manufacturers give a lifetime gurantee on their harnesses. If one ever breaks, send it back for a refund.

Last I knew. He charged 6 bucks a foot to paint towers. He tried to get me to help one time. There were three 600 ft towers that needed to be done. He said it would take us two days and I would make 4500 dollars.

I am not afraid of heights, but 600 feet up on an 18" square tower is a little much for me, so I passed.

Did have me considering how I could bulid a robotic animal to do the job though. Could make a lot of bucks.. B)
I have a friend that works on/services/paints communication towers for a living. He says harness manufacturers give a lifetime gurantee on their harnesses. If one ever breaks, send it back for a refund.

if the harness broke, do you think he would have all his limbs to take it back for a refund? :rofl:

i would looove this job! im a thrill seeker

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