
The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Fish Crazy
Mar 15, 2013
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so ... I think I should have larger shoal size . I dont know the tank size but i know it will have 1 of the following options 
 1. 10 rummynose tetra
     10 cardinal tetra
2. 8 harlequin rasbora
    8 cardinal tetra
    8 rummynose tetra
Which option is best for the fish but adds colour to a tank.
Well either would be good but you really should work out the size of your tank to make sure you can actually have the numbers you are thinking about. Option 2 has 4 more fish than option 1 so the size of your tank could be the main factor here.
I would personally go with option 1. IMO, it looks better to have less schools, that way they can be bigger.
IMO it would look even better if you chose one of the schools that you like the most and have a really big school of them! Would look stunning!
whenever i have only 1 species the tank seems bare imo
Well, instead of just tetras, how about you have one school of tetras, a school of corys and then a centrepiece fish? That would add activity to most levels of the tank. 
Just an idea :)
A larger school of single species fish is actually more interesting IMO

This brings out the more natural behaviour in them and they are likely to be happier in a larger shoal rather than just 6 or 10.

In my tank I just have a school of one species, 17 Threadfin Rainbowfish, they are all over the tank really and I love watching their behaviour and are quite characterful fish.

Bottom of tank I have about 14 RCS, also have pond snails, 2 adult assassin snails and 3 baby assassin snails.

Moderately live planted as well.

Plenty to see and watch. Can sit and watch my tank for half an hour without moving at all. Better than TV!! Lol
I guess i will take my time to decide i will definitely have a shoal of corys
Good, I love cories. Do be aware though they prefer sand substrate.

I plan to have some cories too once have another tank :)

And yes, do take time to research and decide what stocking you like best.

Let us know what you decide on ;)
I dont use gravel any more, just dont like it, its sand from now on,

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