

New Member
Feb 5, 2012
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Franklin, TN.
ok i have 1-male guppy 2-female guppys 2-red minor tetra 3-danios 2-skirt tetras 2-red blue tertas 2-neon tetras 2-otocinlus well there is supposed to be 2 algea eaters but i cant find one of them and ive moved all my decor to try and find him but i cant, but anyway ive told my stock is not good what good i do to make it better? but i like having all kinds of diffrent fish i dont want 1 or 2 species i want a varity of fish in my tank, is that possible and if it is what can i have?
ok i have 1-male guppy 2-female guppys 2-red minor tetra 3-danios 2-skirt tetras 2-red blue tertas 2-neon tetras 2-otocinlus well there is supposed to be 2 algea eaters but i cant find one of them and ive moved all my decor to try and find him but i cant, but anyway ive told my stock is not good what good i do to make it better? but i like having all kinds of diffrent fish i dont want 1 or 2 species i want a varity of fish in my tank, is that possible and if it is what can i have?
I believe its all about trial and error in my 20 gallon tank (98 litres) i have tiger barbs, serpae tetras, danios, neons, 2 platys, 2 mollies and 2 dwarf gouramis and all of them get along really well, are more importantly healthy. Now a lot of people will say that my tank is well overstocked and that i should not put tiger barbs with the gouramis. However like i said its trial and error and for me it has worked well. I would rehome the otos if you don't have an algae problem and just think about the compatibilities if you have more fish to the fish you have. I would say though they would need at least a 20gallon.
The thing is...

while your fish might be healthy, you're just not going to see them at their best because you can't really give any of them their preferred conditions.

Let's just look at the first two fish on the OPs stocking list.

The guppies would ideally like;
Moderately hard, slightly alkaline water at about 23°C/74°F (because they come from those waters in Central America)

a fairly shallow tank with a pale-ish sand subsrate with plenty of fine leaved, pale green plants; cabomba perhaps, or Indian fern left to float (because they come from shallow, brightly lit, fairly fast flowing streams; their natural colours are yellows and pale greens and they're surface feeders, so don't care about depth)

maybe a few twig-like branches and a scattering of gravel (because their streams are too fast to have large accumulations of dead wood or leaves; their natural patterns of black markings camouflage them amongst the plants and pebbles, but can also be used for display when they're out in the sandy areas.

The red minor/serpea tetras would ideally like;
soft, slightly acidic water at about 24°C/76°F (because they come from the Amazon basin, where the water is fairly slow moving and full of bogwood and tannins

a dark brownish or black substrate with a lot of bogwood and broad leaved plants with plenty of tannins (their base body colour is dark with reddish highlights, just like wood, and their black markings resemble old leaves)

They're deep bodied and leaf shaped, so want deepish, dimly lit tanks (because they come from warm, slow moving backwaters of the jungle; full of dead leaves and fallen trees)

they want to be in group of at least a dozen, with a mix of males and females (because the live in shoals of hundreds or thousands of individuals in the wild).

I could go through all of your fish like that, but I won't :p. Do you see what I mean though? There's more to stocking than just how many fish you can get in. You also want to think about creating a home for your fish that suits them and takes their natural enviroment into account.
i really apprecait the input guys i will study more on my fish and make changes,and like you said guppie all your fish get along and are healthy and thats the way my fish are, but anyway thanks for all the info. and my tank is a 55 gallons

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