Stocking Via-aqua


Fish Addict
Mar 19, 2006
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getting via-aqua 380 - (10 uk gallons), now about the stocking....i was thinking about lemon tetras? anyone know anything about them or how many i cud have, im wanting to keep:

- 1 Honey gourami (male)
- either 6 neons or some lemon tetras? - dotn know how many?
- 3 pygmy corys - (but wud it b ok to keep normal ones?)

tank dimensions: HEIGHT: 19" / WIDTH: 9.75" / LENGTH: 15"
uk gallons: 10
us gallons: 11
picture: could i keep three normal corys or would pygmys be best? and wud neons be better than lemons as there smaller?? :/ :/ any suggestions?? advice??...all appreciated! :D
Neons wouldn't be as hardy as lemon tetras, but I say whichever ones you want. A school of 6 is ideal, but you might be able to get away with 4 or 5. Penguin tetras would be a good choice too.

EDIT: Pygmy cories are smaller cories, right, with the max size of 1 inch? Smaller would be better. It's quite a bit of fish for a small tank, but as long as you stay ontop of the water stats and water changes, I think it'll be fine.
thanks, but my lfs dont sell pygmys??? :/ if the did it wud b:

- 1 Honey gourami = 2inch
- 6 Neon tetras = 6inch
- 3 Pygmy corys = 3inch
Total: 10 fish - 11inch, one inch over the rule, but the rule doesnt work for all fish... :good:
yes i love them just i heard wen they grow older they turn there appetite to smaller fishes slime on their bodys and eyes! :-( dont want that but i really like them....any info?
mmm, let me just show u this link ok, i not saying ur wrong, ur probably right just have a look:

this is wat it says: My aunt and I have both had the Otocinclus affinis in our tanks. In both our cases, this catfish when larger has attached itself to the bodies of its tankmates. That in turn killed them. I don't know if this is a normal trait for these fish or not... (look out for that)

heres the link:
No, Oohfeeshy is right, that's a chinese algae eater, not an oto. I have an oto in the same tank as you (hoping to get a couple more) and he has stayed small and very peaceful.
I have 5 lemon tetras in my 15 gal tank together with 4 red wagtail platties.

They all get on fine, with the lemon tetras turning into little piranhas come feeding time!

I was considering neons but the lemons are slightly larger and I believe are hardier for a newish tank.

I'm thinking of increasing my shoal up to 8 but they seem happy enough in a group of 5.

Billy the Fish :p

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